The Blob Input tool will read a Binary Large Object such as an image
or media file, by browsing directly to a file or passing a list of files
to read.
Configure the tool
The Blob Input tool can either be an input tool or a pass through tool where a list of files are passed to the tool and the tool reads them.
Input tool Configuration
Specify the file name of the Blob to be read. All file types are supported.
Pass through tool Configuration
The incoming data stream should contain a list of files (Blobs) to be read.
Specify the file name of the Blob to be read. All file types are supported. Alteryx will be replacing the string with the contents of the incoming stream.
Modify File Name Using Optional Input: Select the appropriate action to replace the string specified in the file name above.
Modify File Name By: Choose the action to replace what was specified in the file name above. For example, the file name is set to .\data\images\image.png
Appending Field To File Name: The contents of the specified field are added after the file name and before the extension.
Using the example above, if the value of the specified field is "apple" the resulting file name will be: .\data\images\imageapple.png
Prepending Field To File Name: The contents of the specified field are added before the file name.
If the value of the specified field is "banana", the resulting file name will be .\data\images\bananaimage.png
Replacing File Name With Field: The contents of the specified field will be used as the file name before the extension.
If the value of the specified field is "grape", the resulting file name will be .\data\images\grape.png
Replacing Entire Path With field: The contents of the specified field will be used as the location directory, file name, and extension.
If the value of the specified field is "C:\Temp\rainbows_and_unicorns.jpg" the resulting file name will be: C:\Temp\rainbows_and_unicorns.jpg
Using This Field: Use the drop down list to select the incoming field that contains the data replacement for the file name.
Stop With Error If File Not Found: When checked, Alteryx will throw an error if the file is not present. The error will say Cannot access file: (path).
Input or Pass through tool Configuration
Specify the file name of the Blob to be read. All file types are supported.
Blob Options: Provides options for handling large files.
Split Blobs into Chunks: When checked, blobs will be broken up into smaller blobs, or "chunks" and sent downstream as individual records. Each record will contain this blob and also an additional field called "BlobNumber" which is the sequence number of each chunk. The first is 1, the second is 2, etc.
Maximum Size of Chunks: Allows the size (KB) of each chunk that will be created to be specified. If the original blob that is read is not an exact multiple of the chunk size, the final chunk will be smaller than this size. If the original blob is smaller than the chunk size, it will be output as a single blob and will still have the "BlobNumber" field added to the record.