Street Geocoder Tool

Geocoding associates geographic coordinates with input addresses, letting you pinpoint locations and carry out geography-based analyses. The Street Geocoder tool places a point object based on address interpolation by converting a multi-line address into a normalized form, with latitude and longitude, spatial object, and additional fields specific to the coding process. The full list of available fields is listed below.

The Street Geocoder tool requires a separate installation located on the Core Data Bundle installation Disk.

Even though the Street Geocoder tool performs a type of address standardization, the results are not CASS certified. If you require CASS certification, consider licensing Alteryx's CASS tool. Or use the Geocoder Suite US - This macro CASS certifies and Geocodes a number of different ways to ensure the best possible match.

Configure the tool

Output Fields

Check the boxes next to the appropriate fields to append to the geocoded data table. Options on the right allow to Select All, Select Defaults, or to Clear All.

The output variables available depend on the geocoder product being used.

Alteryx Explorer output variables

Third party geocoders will output similar variables.