Projection can be specified when writing to spatial formats via the Edit Projection dialog box.
This feature is supported in the following file formats: MID/MIF, TAB, SHP, Oracle, and ESRI Personal Geo-Database.
If one of the mentioned spatial formats are chosen, Projection is visible in the Output Data Tool Configuration options.
If this box is blank, the default projection for both reading and writing in Alteryx is WGS84.
If the projection syntax is known, enter the projection in Fields are Projected Floating Points.
If the projection syntax is not known, click to launch the Edit Projection dialog box
Select Projection: expand the data trees to expose supported projections and click on your preferred projection
Find Projection: Enter a keyword related to the projection, then click Find.
Custom Projection (Well Known Name/Text): The custom settings for projection should accept the following different forms to define the preferred projection:
EPSG:27700 same as British National Grid
"WGS84": same as "EPSG:4326"
'AUTO:proj_id, unit_id, lon0, lat0'
"+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84"
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