Canadian Statement of Accuracy Report

Retrieves the contents of the current Statement of Accuracy (SOA) for all records processed since Address Object was initialized or the last time the ResetFormSOA method was called. The PathToCanadaFiles properties must be set before processing Canadian address. You must also set the SOACustomerInfo and SOACPCNumber properties before calling this method.

The SOA is good for one year after it is generated. You do not need to generate another form unless your address data changes.

The SOA shows the following information:

Customer Name Company name as it appears on your Canada Post contract. This is entered using the SOACustomerInfo property.
Customer Address Your mailing address as it appears on your Canada Post contract.This is entered using the SOACustomerInfo property.
CPC Number Your Canada Post Contract number.
Total Records Total number of Canadian address records processed. This value is also returned by the SOATotalRecords property.
Address Accuracy Percentage of Accurate Canadian address records, calculated to one decimal place. This must be 95% or postage discounts will be adjusted. This value is also returned by the SOAAAPercentage property.
SOA Expiry Date The Expiry Date for the current SOA. This date will be one year after the SOA is generated. This value is also returned by the SOAAAExpiryDate property.
Software Information The company that produced the software used to generate the SOA plus the version number.