Cognitive Services Text Analytics Tool

The Cognitive Services Text Analytics tool uses the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API to perform sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, and language detection.

Gallery tool

This tool is not automatically installed with Alteryx Designer. To use this tool, download it from the Alteryx Analytics Gallery.

To use this tool, you will need a Cognitive Services Text Analytics account through Microsoft Azure. For more information, see the Text Analytics API Documentation.

Version compatibility

This tool is compatible with Designer 11.7+.

Configure the tool

  1. In Account Key, type the key associated with your Cognitive Services Text Analytics subscription.
  2. Select the Endpoint associated with the entered Account Key. The Endpoint will default to westus if left empty.

    If your Endpoint does not appear in the list, type the location in the Field:


  3. Select the Field for Analysis.
  4. Select an Analysis Type. The method of analysis applied to the text. Supported languages vary by analysis type. For more information about supported languages, analysis processes, or use cases, see the Microsoft Text Analytics API Documentation.
    • Sentiment Analysis: Analysis of topic perception. The API returns a numeric score between 0 and 1. Scores close to 0 indicate negative sentiment, while scores close to 1 indicate positive sentiment.
    • Key Phrase Extraction: Identification of main topics. The API returns a list of strings denoting the key talking points in the input text.
    • Language Detection: Detection of input language. The API returns the detected language and a numeric score between 0 and 1. Scores close to 1 indicate higher certainty that the reported language is correctly identified.