Conversion Errors

Conversion errors are reported when Alteryx cannot convert data from one field type to another. You can set a threshold for the number of Conversion errors to allow per workflow in the Workflow Configuration window.

Version support

Conversion Error reporting was introduced with Alteryx version 2.5. Therefore workflows that were created in a previous version may have produced different results, as Conversion Errors were ignored. The purpose of reporting conversion errors is to issue a warning to users so that data issues can be addressed before they become a problem.

Conversion errors appear in orange text:

● ProcessNodeDbfInput10: Enrollment:  is not a valid number.

This Conversion Error is being reported because the field type for "Enrollment" is a number, yet there are strings within the field. The string values are inconsistent and should be fixed. The values can be cleaned via a Formula Tool or filtered out with a Filter Tool.

Users have the ability to limit the amount of Conversion Errors to be reported. This threshold can be determined per workflow from the Workflow Configuration tab.