
Type of Support: Read & Write; In-Database
Validated On: Hive 2.0; Simba Hive Driver
Connection Type: ODBC (32- and 64-bit)
Driver Details: The Simba ODBC driver can be downloaded here.

In-Database processing requires 64-bit database drivers.

Driver Configuration Requirements: For optimal performance, you must enable the "FastSQLPrepare" option within the driver to allow Alteryx to retrieve metadata without running a query.

Alteryx tools used to connect

Additional Details

Hive does not properly handle writing multi-byte characters in wide strings (WStrings). For more information, see the Unicode® character SQL INSERT issue.

If you have issues with reading or writing Unicode® characters, access the Simba Impala ODBC driver. Under Advanced Options, select the “Use SQL Unicode Types” option.