Imputation Tool

The Imputation tool gives the user the ability to replace a specified value within one or more numeric data fields with another specified value.

A typical use case  would be to replace all NULL() values with the average of the remaining values for fields Q1_Sales and Q2 Sales so the NULL() values do not affect the final outcome of their forecasting model.

Configure the tool

  1. Fields to impute: Select the fields you wish to update.
  2. Incoming value to replace: Specify one of two choices.
    • Null()
    • User specified value: Use the text box to enter a value.
  3. Replace with value: Specify one of four choices.
    • Average: Average of all values, not including “Incoming value to replace”.
    • Median: Value separating the higher half from the lower half, or the “middle” value.
    • Mode: Value that appears most often.  
    • User specified value: Use the text box to enter a value.
  4. Include imputed value indicator field: Add a field specifying whether or not a value has been imputed.
  5. Output imputed values as a separate field: Leave the original field to impute as-is and add a new field for the imputed value.  

View the output

The default output will include the original data stream with the imputed values embedded within the original data.

If Include imputed value indicator field is selected, there will be an additional field next to each field selected for imputation with the prefix as the original field name and a suffix of “_Indicator”.

If Output imputed values as a separate field is selected, there will be an additional field next to each field selected for imputation with the prefix as the original field name and a suffix of “_ImputedValue”.