Behavior Metainfo Tool
The Behavior MetaInfo tool returns pertinent information about installed Behavior Analysis data sets.
Configure the tool
Choose a Dataset: Select the Dataset to use. Each dataset has its own Profiles and Profile Sets that are specific to the selected clustering system. These datasets require a current subscription and license. Please contact your Alteryx account representative for more information regarding compatible datasets.
For best results, keep your datasets consistent with each Behavior tool. Choosing "Most Recent Vintage" rather than a specific dataset ensures the most current dataset is used and won't require updating your workflow. You can easily specify the dataset in multiple tools at once with the Workflow Dependencies to ensure consistency throughout your workflow.
Default dataset
Set the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and click the Dataset Defaults tab.
Select the MetaInfo to return. Many of the items are specific to the dataset specified.
- Cluster Names and Group Assignments: Segmentation system classifications for the selected dataset.
- Experian Datasets will return the following fields:
- Cluster Number: Cluster Identifier.
- Cluster Name: Short, descriptive classification of the Cluster.
- Cluster Link: Report Snippet that links to the online help documentation containing a full description of the Cluster. This information can be viewed using a Browse tool via the Report Tab or used within any Reporting tool.
- Mosaic Groups Number: Corresponding Mosaic Group classification number for the Cluster.
- Global Mosaic Groups Number: Corresponding Global Mosaic Group classification number for the Cluster.
- STI Popstats Datsets will return the following fields:
- Cluster Number: Cluster Identifier.
- Cluster Name: Short, descriptive classification of the Cluster.
- Cluster Link: Report Snippet that links to the online help documentation containing a full description of the Cluster. This information can be viewed using a Browse tool via the Report Tab or used within any Reporting tool.
- Datasets
- Short Name: Internal name of the data set references the registry key of the installed data set.
- Long Name: Verbose data set name visible in the Alteryx GUI from Choose Dataset.
- Demographic Variables
- Demographic: Classification level the Profile was built with: Household, Population, Person, Adult, etc.
- Version: Returns the Solocast engine version number for the selected dataset.
- Help Directory: Returns a web address to an online directory of Cluster Descriptions for the selected dataset.
- Mosaic Groups: Available with Experian Datasets only
- Mosaic Groups Number: Mosaic Group Identifier.
- Mosaic Groups Name: Short, descriptive classification of the Mosaic Group.
- Mosaic Groups Link: Report Snippet that links to the online help documentation containing a full description of the Mosaic Group. This information can be viewed using a Browse tool via the Report Tab or used within any Reporting tool.
- Global Mosaic Groups: Available with Experian Datasets only
- Global Mosaic Groups Number: Global Mosaic Group Identifier.
- Global Mosaic Groups Name: Short, descriptive classification of the Global Mosaic Group.
- Global Mosaic Groups Link: Report Snippet that links to the online help documentation containing a full description of the Global Mosaic Group. This information can be viewed using a Browse tool via the Report Tab or used within any Reporting tool.