Tree Tool

The Tree tool displays an organized, hierarchical data structure in an app or macro. The selections made by the user are passed as values to downstream tools. The values returned from trees are separated by a new line character (\n).  

This tool has an optional input connector that can accept a list of Allocate datasets. See the Allocate Tree Data Sources below for more information.

Configure the tool

  1. Enter the text or question to be displayed: The text presented to the app user defining how to use the Tree control.
  2. Tree Data Source: Location from which the hierarchy is pulled. Configuration options are under Properties.
  3. Single Selection: When checked, the App user can only select one tree value.
  4. Tree Window Height (Lines): Set the number of lines to display at once to a user. If more options are available, a scroll slider appears.
  5. Limit Tree Selection: Select to access the Filter Options window, which displays the entire available tree. Select the tree elements to display to the App user.

    • To include all child options, select the parent element.
    • To use this option with Allocate trees, select "Use a specific Dataset".

    Set which parent levels of the tree to display:

    • Automatically decide which parent levels to display: The highest of the selected levels of the tree are displayed. When all children values of a parent are selected, the parent is displayed.
    • Show all parent levels of the tree: All parent levels of the selected tree are displayed.
  6. Properties: Values change depending on the selected Tree Data Source. Select the related data source for more information.