Google BigQuery Input Tool
Use the Google BigQuery Input tool to query a table from Google BigQuery and read it into Designer. See Google BigQuery for information about known limitations. More information about Google BigQuery can be found on the Google Big Query Documentation site.
Gallery tool
This tool is not automatically installed with Designer. To use this tool, download it from the Alteryx Analytics Gallery.

You can log in to Google BigQuery with service-to-service or end user credentials.

You can obtain a service account JSON key file from the Google Cloud Console or you can create a new key for an existing service account. More information about Google BigQuery can be found on the Google Big Query Documentation site under Creating and Managing Service Account Keys.
- In Authentication mode, select Service-to-Service.
- Click Select a file to select your Google service account file.
- In Open File, browse to and select the JSON file that contains your Google service account key.

- In Authentication mode, select End user.
- Enter your Client ID and Client Secret.
- Click Log in.
- In Sign in with Google, enter your Google email and password then click Allow to approve the connector's permission to access Google BigQuery on your behalf.
- Click Next.

- In BigQuery Table Input Config, click Select table.
Designer displays the tables you have access to.
- Select a project, expand a dataset, and then select a BigQuery table. Once you select a table, Designer, displays the table's fully qualified identifier. To refresh the metadata, click the refresh icon.Click Change table to select a different table
Select options.
- Limit the number of results returned: Sets the number of rows in the report to return.
- Use a custom query: Select a SQL type and then Select a project to query. Enter your custom query including any LIMIT clause.
- Infer max repeated record limit: Not available with custom query. Select this option and then indicate a Max field length to set the repeated record limit to the maximum number of repeated records in the results returned from your Google BigQuery table. If you limit the number of records, then Designer will only inspect that set of records to infer the max repeated record limit.
- Run the workflow.