Allocate Metainfo Tool
The Allocate MetaInfo tool returns pertinent information about installed Allocate Datasets.
Configure the tool
- From the Configuration Properties, choose an allocate dataset from the drop down menu.
You can specify the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and click the Dataset Defaults tab.
- Select the MetaInfo to return. Choices include:
- Datasets: Returns all of the installed Allocate datasets and the following information on those datasets:
- Short Name: Internal name of the dataset references the registry key of the installed dataset.
- Long Name: Verbose dataset name visible in the Alteryx GUI from Choose Dataset.
- Geography Levels: Returns all of the installed Geography Levels for the selected dataset. VGFs are also visible here. The following information is returned:
- Short Name: Short name of the installed geography.
- Long Name: Verbose descriptive name of the installed geography.
- Alias Short Name: Alias short name used internally by Alteryx.
- Is Intermediate: True or False indicates if this geography level
- Index Base Files: >Returns a list of the Index Base Files a user has created with the specified dataset.
- Name: will include any and all *.ibs file created by the user and saved to the install directory of the specified dataset, Program files\Alteryx\Portfolioxx\Data\DataSetNameVintage\IndexBases
- Reports: Returns a list of all the installed *.rptx files saved to the report directory of the specified dataset., Program files\Alteryx\Portfolioxx\Data\DataSetNameVintage\Reports. The following information is returned:
- Name: Name of the report
- Type: Type of the report - Summary, Comparison or Rank
- Variables: Returns information on every variable included in the specified dataset. The following information is returned:
- Name: The field name that is returned from all Allocate tools.
- Name_Long: The verbose field name; field is blank.
- Description: Field description from the Allocate variable tree. This is the most descriptive level of the field categorizations; "Age 25 to 34"
- Category: Top level categorization of the Allocate variable tree; "Population"
- SubCategory: Further categorization appearing in the Allocate variable tree; "Male by Age"
- Units: The units of the returned values; Population, households, dollars, percent, etc.
- Vintage: The specific source or style of the data, i.e. Current Year Estimates, Five Year Projections, US Census 2000, etc.
- Year: The data vintage of the returned variable.
- Action: The mathematical method the value was derived from; Sum, Average, etc.
- Weight: Returns how values were weighted that have been summarized, i.e. “Population”, “Households.
- Is Licensed: Boolean value indicating whether or not the variable is licensed; True if licensed, False if not licensed.
- Data Table: Returns the internal name of the file (Demo File, VVF, etc) that the variable resides in.
- Version: Returns the Allocate engine version number for the selected dataset.