Interactive Chart Tool

About the tool

Use the Interactive Chart tool to visualize data in your workflow by creating interactive chart layers of bar charts, line graphs, scatter plots, and pie charts. You can add the Interactive Chart tool anywhere in your workflow where there is upstream data.

The Interactive Chart tool generates a chart that you can add to a report using the Layout Tool and the Visual Layout Tool. You can also output the chart as different file types using the Render Tool.

Design a chart

Think about how you want to design your chart and what each layer will contain. For readability, you may want to design the layers so that polygon-type data (e.g., bar charts) is at the first layer, followed by line charts, and then points (e.g., scatter plots). You can always configure the layer order using Style > Legend > Layer Order to set the layer order to Reversed. For more information, visit the Alteryx Community Tool Mastery article, Interactive Chart tool.

To begin, run the workflow to read the data into the Interactive Chart tool, and then click Configure Chart to open the configuration window. A chart can include one or more layers of data (each with its own chart type), a title, a legend, notes, and hover text.

Specific chart types