Summary Processes

The following list describes the types of summarize functions that the Summarize Tool can perform.

Group by: Combines database records with identical values in a specified field into a single record. All of the resulting data from the records in a group are then summarized. (Any non-blob or spatial object has this option.) If no Group by field is specified, the entire file will be summarized.

Sum: Returns the sum value for the group. The sum is calculated by adding all of the values of a group.

Count: Count of records in the group.

Count Non Null: Identical to Count, except it is only counting those records that are NOT null. Null means there is no value set for this record. This is different than a zero or an empty string.

Count Distinct: Count of unique records in the group.

Count Distinct Non Null: Identical to Count Distinct, except it is only counting those records that are NOT null. Null means there is no value set for this record (different than a zero or an empty string)

Min: Returns minimum value.

Max: Returns the maximum value.

First: Returns the first record in the group, based upon its record position.

Last: Returns the last record in the group, based upon its record position.

The following are additional Summary Processes split into categories relevant to the type of field chosen for summarization.