Schedule Workflows
Schedule workflows, apps, or packages to run automatically at a selected frequency, date, and time. Depending on your company's configuration, you can schedule workflows to run in different locations:
- Alteryx Server: schedule to your company's Gallery, or to a controller
- Designer plus Desktop Automation (Scheduler): schedule to your computer
To schedule a workflow, open the workflow you want to schedule and click at the top of the canvas, or Options > Schedule Workflow.
To schedule an app or workflow package, go to the View Schedules window. See Schedule an app or workflow package.

Scheduling to a Gallery is only available if you have Alteryx Server. This option schedules a workflow to run in your company's Gallery.
If you have connected to your company's Gallery in Designer, the Gallery appears in the list. If you need to schedule to another Gallery, you can add a new Gallery. Workflows can only be scheduled to run in a Gallery in which scheduling is enabled. Contact your Gallery Administrator to enable scheduling in a Gallery.

- A copy of the workflow must be saved to the Gallery where you want the schedule to run.
- A URL or file path location used in a tool must be accessible outside of your Windows account. For example, WebDAV paths are not supported.
To schedule to a Gallery:
- With the workflow open, click
and select an option in the Set Schedule Location window:
- Existing Gallery: a Gallery to which you previously connected
- Add Gallery: connect to a Gallery that is not in the list
- Click Add Gallery.
- In URL, type the URL path to your company's Gallery.
- Click Connect.
- Based on the Gallery configuration, authentication steps vary:
- Built-in authentication: Type your Gallery email and password in Email and Password. Select Keep me logged in, if desired. Then, click Connect.
- Windows authentication: A user name displays. Click Continue to log in.
- Click the Gallery in the list.
- Log in with your user name and password. (Optional) Select Keep me logged in keep your session active.
- In the Save Workflow window, type a name in Workflow Name.
- Location displays the Gallery studio to which the workflow will be saved.
- (Optional) In Details, type comments.
- (Optional) Click Workflow Options and select an option:
- Restrict use to specific serial numbers: When selected, only the serial numbers in the list will be able to use the encrypted workflow. Each unique serial number should appear on its own line.
- Set expiration for encrypted workflow: When selected, the encrypted workflow will expire on the selected date so that the workflow can no longer be run or used.
- User is not required to specify credentials: Run the workflow using the default server or studio credentials.
- User must specify their own credentials: Prompt a user to enter their own credentials to run the workflow.
- Always run this workflow with these credentials: Enter credentials to always use when the workflow is run.
- Click Save.
- (Optional) In Create Schedule, type a name for the schedule in Schedule Name.
- Select schedule occurrence:
- Once: Run the workflow once at the time which you began scheduling the workflow, or select a date and time.
- Recurring: Select a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly re-occurrence.
- Custom: Select a custom schedule option (for example, schedule a workflow to run by a fiscal calendar).
- Complete the scheduling details that appear after you select an occurrence.
- (Optional) Type comments in Comments.
- (Optional) If the workflow must be run as a specific user to access data, click Edit Credentials.
- In Schedule as, type or select workflow credentials from the drop-down.
- Type the password in the box, if necessary.
- Click Done.

If the workflow is not saved to the selected Gallery, you are prompted to save it to the Gallery. After the workflow is saved, the Gallery opens to Create Schedule.
If the workflow is saved to the Gallery, the Gallery opens to Create Schedule.
To save a workflow to a Gallery:

Select to publish this version of the workflow as the version that is available to other users in the Gallery. This option is only available if the workflow has been to the Gallery before. Do not select this option if you do not want other users to use this version of the workflow.
To update the workflow version in the Gallery, view app details and click Version # to view available versions. Select a version and click Make Published Version.

By default, the option is selected. It validates the workflow to check if there are any tools or command that are prohibited in the Alteryx Public Gallery ( If validation fails, the workflow requires an exemption to run in the Alteryx Public Gallery (
The following require exemptions to be run in a Gallery: R Tool, Run Command Tool, Python Tool, Email Tool, and Download Tool.
Also, a Gallery will not allow event or chained app execution. See Workflow Configuration and Interface Designer Window.
See Save to Gallery Messages for additional information about applying for an exemption.

Click to view and manage the assets associated with the workflow.
Group assets by tool: When the option is selected, all of the assets, or file dependencies for the workflow display. Select the option to display all of the assets grouped together with the tool they are connected to. Deselect an asset to omit it from the workflow package. Assets that include a constant in the input path display in the list of assets, but are not included in the workflow package.

Click to view encryption options for the workflow.

Click this link to select the credentials for running the workflow.
Scheduled workflows and timezones
Scheduled workflows run at the scheduled time in the time zones in which the server is located. Workflows scheduled to run at 1:30 am or 2:30 am may run multiple times and at a time later than you selected due to daylight savings time.
Scheduled workflows display on the Schedules page.

Scheduling to a controller is only available if you have Alteryx Server. This option schedules a workflow to run on a controller. It is recommended that you schedule workflows to run in your Gallery if you have Alteryx Server.
A controller is a machine that runs and manages schedules for your organization. An Alteryx Server Administrator at your company sets up the controller and gives you the token needed to connect to the controller.

- The workflow, app, or package must be saved to a location that can be accessed by the controller.
- All file inputs, outputs, and other workflow dependencies must be saved to a location that can be accessed by the controller.
- To help ensure that all workflow components are saved together, save the workflow as a package (.yxzp file). See Workflow Management and Schedule an app or workflow package.
- Save macros to the Macro Repository. See User Settings.
- A URL or file path location used in a tool must be accessible outside of your Windows account. For example, WebDAV paths are not supported.
- If a workflow, app, or package includes database connections or In-DB tools, set the password encryption type to Hide. Machine and user-based encryption options cause the workflow to fail when run on any computer other than one on which it was created. See Password Encryption.
- The computers you use to create, schedule, and run the scheduled workflow, app, or package must use the same version of Alteryx.
To schedule to a controller:
- With the saved workflow open, click
and select an option:
- Existing controller: connect to a controller you connected to before
- Add Controller: connect to a new controller
- In Machine Name, type the server name.
- In Controller Token, type the controller token provided by the Alteryx Server Administrator at your company.
- Click OK.
- Select a run option:
- Run a copy of the workflow stored in the Scheduler DB: Creates a copy of the workflow and saves it to the Scheduler database where it is run. The Scheduler database is a shared location. The only way to edit the copy in the database is to save a revised version of the workflow to the database.
- Run the workflow from its original location on disk: Saves the workflow and schedules it to your computer. You can edit the workflow without needing to update the schedule, but removing, moving, or renaming the workflow will cause the schedule to fail.
- Select schedule frequency.
- Complete the schedule date and time details.
- Click OK.

If your workflow includes data files, output locations, or other workflow dependencies, save the workflow as a package (.yxzp file) and schedule from the View Schedules window. See Schedule an app or workflow package.
Scheduled workflows and timezones
Scheduled workflows run at the scheduled time in the time zones in which the server is located. Workflows scheduled to run at 1:30 am or 2:30 am may run multiple times and at a time later than you selected due to daylight savings time.

Scheduling to My Computer is the only option available to users of Designer plus Desktop Automation (Scheduler). This option is not recommended if you use Alteryx Server.
Scheduling to My Computer schedules the workflow to run on your computer. The workflow that you schedule can be saved on your computer, or you can save a copy of the workflow to the Scheduler DB.
To schedule a workflow to run on your computer:
- With the saved workflow open, click
and click My Computer.
- In the Schedule Workflow window, select a run option:
- Run a copy of the workflow stored in the Scheduler DB: Creates a copy of the workflow and saves it to the Scheduler database where it is run. The Scheduler database is a shared location. The only way to edit the copy in the database is to save a revised version of the workflow to the database.
- Run the workflow from its original location on disk: Saves the workflow and schedules it to your computer. You can edit the workflow without needing to update the schedule, but removing, moving, or renaming the workflow will cause the schedule to fail.
- Select schedule frequency.
- Complete the schedule date and time details.
- Click OK.
It is recommended that you back up Scheduler (SQLite) database. To back up SQLite, you can zip up or copy the Persistence folder found in \ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\.
If your workflow includes data files, output locations, or other workflow dependencies, save the workflow as a package (.yxzp file) and schedule from the View Schedules window. See Schedule an app or workflow package.
Scheduled workflows and timezones
Scheduled workflows run at the scheduled time in the time zones in which the server is located. Workflows scheduled to run at 1:30 am or 2:30 am may run multiple times and at a time later than you selected due to daylight savings time.
Schedules can be viewed in the View Schedules window. See Manage Schedules.