Spatial Info Tool
The Spatial Info tool extracts tabular information about the spatial object. Attributes such as area, spatial object, number of parts, number of points, and centroid Latitude /Longitude coordinates can be revealed.
Configure the tool
- Spatial Object Field: Select the column containing a spatial object from drop down list to append spatial information to.
- Items To Output: Select the information to append to the table by checking the appropriate box. Choices include:
- Area (Square Kilometers) appends the calculated area in square kilometers of the spatial objects in the table.
- Area (Square Miles) appends the calculated area in square miles of the spatial objects in the table.
- Bounding Rectangle as Points appends the spatial objects (2 points) of the record to its bounding rectangle, based on the geographic extent of the incoming spatial object.
- Bounding Rectangle as Polygon appends a spatial object (1 polygon) of the record to its bounding rectangle, based on the geographic extent of the incoming spatial object.
- Bounding Rectangle as X and Y Fields appends four fields (BR_Left, BR_Top, BR_Right, BR_Bottom), directly related to the bounding rectangle extents' geographic coordinates.
- Centroid as Spatial Object appends the spatial object of the record to the centroid.
- Centroid as X and Y Fields appends two fields (X, Y) depicting the geographic coordinates of the center of its object.
- End Points as Spatial Object appends the end point (extent or where the object sequence ends) of the records' spatial object.
- End Points as X and Y Fields appends two fields (X, Y) depicting the geographic coordinates of the end point of a record's object.
- Length (Kilometers) appends the line length, in kilometers, of the record's object. If the object is a line, this field will reflect the total line length. If the object is a polygon, this field will reflect the perimeter of the polygon object.
- Length (Miles) appends the line length, in miles, of the record's object. If the object is a line, this field will reflect the total line length. If the object is a polygon, this field will reflect the perimeter of the polygon object.
- Number of Parts appends the number of parts that make up the object (polylines and polygons only).
- Number of Points appends the number of points that make up the object (polylines and polygons only).
- Peano Key is used to merge the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of a point so the value can be stored in a one-dimensional array. To produce a Peano key the binary bits of the latitude and longitude value for each point are merged by alternating the bits to produce a new binary number.
- Spatial Object Type appends the type of spatial object is associated with the file (Point, Line, Polyline, Polygon).
- Projection for XY Output: Optional. By default Designer reports spatial information in WGS 84 projection. User can select a different known projection and return spatial information in that projection. Click
to display the Edit Projection window. SeeProjection Support.
The difference between a polyline and a polygon is that a polyline contains multiple line segments, where a line has one start and one end point, but can have any number of points in between. A polyline can be quite complex as in the case of road systems, or rivers.