XML Parse Tool

The XML parse tool reads in a chunk of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and parse it into individual fields.

Namespaces in Designer

In versions prior to 9.0, the use of namespaces was "undefined." Namespaces are no longer supported in Designer9.0. If the XML contains namespaces (e.g. "w:document") the namespace are stripped off in the output (e.g. "document" is returned).

Please see Reading XML for more information on how Alteryx reads and parses XML.

Configure the tool

  1. Select the Field with XML Data you would like to parse by selecting from the string fields included in your input.
  2. Select the XML Element to Parse. Options include:
    • The Root element.
    • Auto Detect Child: Parse out the element that is a child to the element in the input data.
    • Specific Child Name: Enter the name of the child element to be parsed out. The XML element is case sensitive.
  3. Return Child Values: When checked, the first set of child values are returned. When unchecked, child values are left out.
  4. Return Outer XML: When checked, the outer XML tags are returned. An additional field for each parsed field is created with the suffix _OuterXML and the tags are included around the values in the data table.