Calgary Create Link App

The Calgary Create Link App allows you to link Calgary Databases. By linking Calgary databases, users can easily append customer data to a static, master database and quickly query from either database.

By creating a link using this Analytic App, an option for returning linked tables will be visible in the configuration properties of individual Calgary tools such as a Calgary Input Tool, Calgary Join Tool, Calgary Cross Count Tool, and Calgary Cross Count Append Tool.

Analytic App Instructions

  1. Go to Options > Run Analytic Apps and run the Calgary Create Link App.
  2. Master File tab: The Master file refers to a large, static *.cydb file, such as a U.S. Household File.
    1. Browse to the location of the Master Calgary Database file.
    2. Check the box next to the fields of the Master file to link the tables on.
    3. Be sure to only check only the fields that are present in the file to be linked, otherwise an error will be returned.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Linked File tab: The Linked file refers to a smaller *.cydb file, such as a State Individual File.
    1. Browse to the location of the Calgary Database file you'd like to link to the Master file.
    2. Check the box next to the fields of the Linked Calgary Database file to link the tables on.
    3. Only check the fields both files have in common.

  5. Click Finish. the App runs and reports "No Output Files" upon completion. As long as the App runs error free, it creates the following files:
  6. The following 2 files save to the Master File directory location:

    • MasterFileName__Links.csv
    • MasterFileName_@Link@LinkedFileName.cyidx

    The following 2 files save to the Linked File directory location:

    • LinkedFileName__Links.csv
    • LinkedFileName_@Link@MasterFileName.cyidx