- Create a Microsoft Application registered with your account credentials. Follow the instructions on the OneDrive Dev Center site to register your application with Microsoft. Go to the Microsoft Application Portal and select Add an App to begin. We recommend leaving the Guided Setup option unchecked.
- Generate a secrete key by selecting Generate New Password.
Record the Application Key and the Client Secret Key in a secure location. These will both be required for entry into the configuration for the OneDrive Input and Output tools. Record the Client Secret Key immediately as it will not be presented to you at any other time.
- Configure the platform by selecting Add Platform -> Web. Add the standard Microsoft redirect URL: https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf.
- Create a user for OneDrive by following the steps on the OneDrive Sign Up page. The OneDrive Input and Output Connectors both allow for personal and business accounts.
Minimum Required Permissions
Delegated Permissions:
Known Limitations
- The only file types supported are CSV, JSON, and Avro.
- JSON Input to Avro Output-when a workflow reads a JSON input file and intends to write the data back to an Avro file, the user must check the option to Force JSON string values on the input tool.
- The Output tool will hang at 50% while pushing the data to OneDrive but will still reach 100% once completed.
- The Microsoft Azure Data Lake, OneDrive, and Dynamics CRM connectors support authentication via Microsoft user credentials (i.e., email and password). In interactive workflows, it is not currently possible to authenticate with different Microsoft user accounts across these connectors.This limitation does not impact scheduled workflows. In the case that you are authenticated with a Microsoft user account in one of these connectors
and then try to authenticate in another connector with a different Microsoft user account, you will see an error message pop-up similar to the following:
To resolve this issue, follow one of these recommendations:
- The Azure Active Directory Administrator can grant the necessary permissions to one user account. For example, the administrator can ensure a user's account can access all the services needed for their workflow.
- Log out of any connectors that are authenticated to a different Microsoft user account before trying to log in.
- Avoid using end user authentication when possible. Use Service-to-Service authentication in the Azure Data Lake connectors and Application login authentication in the Dynamics CRM connectors.