Guzzler Drivetime Methodology

Drivetimes calculate how far can be travelled in a specified period of time from a chosen location taking into account the underlying road network and varying road speeds. For example, understanding how far can be travelled from a particular point can be useful in determining service coverage from a central base, in terms of vehicle range. Ambulance services, for example, are able to position units strategically for both maximum coverage and efficiency. Response times can be accurately predicted for any location, and maps can be produced indicating at a glance which units are best placed to respond to a need in a particular location.

This guide explains how Guzzler uses road network data, including detailed street mapping, to produce very accurate results.

Driving speeds for the different types of road are contained within a settings file, which is found in your data product's Guzzler install directory.

Nodes are marked in yellow, local roads in black, motorways in blue. Guzzler calculations, which are not visible to the user, are shown in red.