Google Sheets Output Tool

The Google Sheets Output tool publishes data from an Alteryx workflow to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Gallery tool

This tool is not automatically installed with Alteryx Designer. To use this tool, download it from the Alteryx Analytics Gallery.

Configure the tool

To authenticate, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Connect button, located in the Configuration panel.
  2. Sign in to your Google account by entering your credentials.

You will need to accept the consent form to allow Alteryx to write (though the Output tool) your Google Sheets’ files.

Write Options

Create New Spreadsheet

  1. Create a new spreadsheet with a specified name and sheet name. Click Done.
  2. Click Change Write Option if you want to change options.

Add Sheet to Existing Spreadsheet

  1. Under Select a Spreadsheet, create a new sheet within an existing spreadsheet. Click Next.
  2. Under Enter Name, enter the name of the new sheet.

It will not overwrite an existing sheet. If a sheet with the same name already exists, an error will display.

Append to Existing Sheet

  1. Under Select a Spreadsheet, choose the name of the existing spreadsheet. Click Next.
  2. Under Select a Sheet, select the sheet that you want to append your data to. Click the Done button.

Appends all data to an existing sheet. Output will consist of previous data and new data.

Overwrite Spreadsheet (Remove)

  1. Under Select a Spreadsheet, choose the name of the existing spreadsheet that you wish to delete. Click Next.
  2. Under Enter Name, enter the name of the sheet that you wish to create. Click Done.

Deletes the existing file and creates a new one containing the specified sheet name.

Overwrite Sheet (Drop)

  1. Under Select a Spreadsheet, choose the name of the existing spreadsheet. Click Next.
  2. Under Select a Sheet, select the existing sheet that you want to overwrite. Click Done.

Deletes the specified sheet and then writes the data into a new sheet with the same name.

Other Considerations

Google Sheets may replace specific characters within a sheet (e.g., a tab will become a space).