Select In-DB Tool
The Select In-DB tool selects, deselects, renames, and reorders
fields in an In-DB workflow.
Use the Select In-DB tool to limit the
amount of fields in an In-Database data stream. In many cases, limiting
the amount of data passing through a workflow can significantly improve
performance. Other common use cases for the Select
In-DB tool include renaming and reordering columns.
In-Database enables blending and
analysis against large sets of data without moving the data out of a database
and can provide significant performance improvements over traditional
analysis methods. For more about the In-Database tool category, see In-Database Overview.
Configure the tool
Use the table to modify the incoming data stream. Each row in the table represents a column in the data.
Select, deselect, and reorder columns
To include a column, select the check box to the left of the column name. Deselect the check box to exclude the column.
To reorder the columns of data:
- Click to highlight a row, or click and drag down to highlight multiple rows.
- Click the
arrows, or right-click and drag, to move the rows to a new location.
The Unknown column is selected by default. It allows new columns in the data. Move the column to the location where you want a new column to be.
View more options
After selecting or highlighting rows (columns of data) in the table, click Options to view more configuration options:
- Select: Select or deselect all or highlight columns. Options include Select All and Deselect All.
- Sort: Sort the column in ascending or descending order. Options include Sort on Original Field Name, Sort on New Field Name, and Revert to Incoming Field Order.
- Move: Move highlighted columns to the top or bottom of the list.
- Add Prefix to Field Names: Add a prefix to the selected or highlighted column name.
- Add Suffix to Field Names: Add a suffix to the selected or highlighted column name.
- Remove Prefix or Suffix: Remove the prefix or suffix from the selected or highlighted column name.
- Clear All Renames: Remove the new name for all column.
- Clear Highlighted Renames: Remove the new name for all highlighted columns.
- Forget All Missing Fields: Remove all columns that are no longer included in the data.
- Forget Highlighted Missing Fields: Remove all highlighted columns that are no longer included in the data.