Message Type: Select the type of message the tool writes. For more information see the Results window.
- Message A standard Alteryx message. Messages appear as standard black text:
RegEx(9): 12 records were successfully parsed and 0 were not.
- Warning An Alteryx warning message. Warnings appear in gold text:
(22): The Value "22 Purple Haze" had too many parts to fit # of output fields.
- Field Conversion Error An Alteryx field conversion error. Conversion errors appear in orange text.
Formula (13): Code: "12 Alteryx Blue" was truncated
- Error An Alteryx error message. Errors appear in a red bold text:
Append Fields (9): The Source must have a valid connection
- Error - And Stop Passing Records Through This Tool An Alteryx error message. Once the Message tool outputs a message of this type, the workflow no longer passes records to the Message tool's output connection. After the standard error message, a second error message displays to indicate that the workflow was cancelled. Both errors appear in red bold text:
Browse (13): Missing Incoming Connection
Browse (13): Workflow was Cancelled by Properties Setting
- File Input (Path|Description) A standard Alteryx message referencing an input file with a custom description. Path names are required. File Inputs without a description output a blank clickable field. File Inputs appear as standard hyperlinks:
Message (15): Example Test Input File
- File Output (Path|Description) A standard Alteryx message referencing an output file with a custom description. Path names are required. File Inputs without a description output a blank clickable field. File Inputs appear as standard hyperlinks:
Message (15): Example Test Output File