Workflow Management

As part of workflow management, you can save the workflows you build in Designer for reuse or for sharing with other users in the Alteryx Gallery or your company's private Gallery (available to Alteryx Server users).

You can also manage existing workflows in the Gallery by opening them in Designer. From Designer, you can edit, save, and share these workflows back to the Gallery. The Gallery maintains previous versions of a workflow, so saving the revised workflow to the Gallery does not replace the previous version.

If you want to save and share a workflow along with its dependencies, such as files and connections, you can export them together as a .yxzp file. Like single file workflows, you can share exported workflows with others in the Gallery, and open them in Designer.

In addition to saving single workflows, you can save multiple workflows as a workflow group, which can then be opened as one workflow group file (.yxwg). You can only create workflow groups of existing, locally saved workflows.