Logistic Regression Classifier

Use of the Assisted Modeling tool requires participation in the Alteryx Analytics Beta program. Visit the the Alteryx beta program, also known as the Alteryx Customer Feedback Program, to find out more. All Alteryx Beta Program notifications and disclaimers apply to this content. Functionality described here may or may not be available as part of the Beta Program. To send feedback about the documentation, send an email message to helpfeedback@alteryx.com.

The Logistic regression tool creates a model that estimates the probability that the target (what you want to predict) will be one of two possible outcomes. It does this by relating a binary target variable (such as yes/no, pass/fail) to one or more features. To learn more about the Scikit-learn algorithm, Logistic Regression, or to see a table to understand the allowable combination of parameters, visit Scikit-learn.

Selecting a different algorithm clears any changes you might have made.

Before using the tool

Start with an existing workflow. You should first clean and prep your dataset. Once your dataset contains only the relevant data you need for your business use case, then start building a pipeline using the Machine Learning tools.

Add the tool

  1. Click the Classification tool or the Regression tool in the Machine Learning tool palette and drag it to the workflow canvas, connecting it to your dataset.
  1. In Algorithm, select the algorithm tool you want to configure.
  2. Configure the tool.

Configure the tool

Configure the parameters or use the default settings. Parameters are set to ayx-learn defaults to ensure accuracy and reproducibility. Each use case is different. The default settings do not represent a single global best combination for all use cases. Understand the parameters before changing them. For best practices, avoid making assumptions, and use a test dataset to assess the performance of your model whether your objective is prediction or not.

To reset to defaults, click the reset icon. To find out more about a parameter, click the parameter's tooltip.