SharePoint Files Output Tool

Use the SharePoint Files Output tool to write the data from the input source file into the SharePoint site.

Tool Configuration

To install the SharePoint Output tool, open the Designer application and select the SharePoint build from the explorer window. Then select the connector tool file from the explorer window.

To install the SharePoint Files Output build for all users, open the designer app with administrator credentials.

  1. To add SharePoint Files Input into the workflow, go to the Connectors tab, select SharePoint Files Output and drag and drop the tool to the canvas.
  2. Select the SharePoint Files Output, enter the credential details in the panel shown on the left side and select Test Connection.

  3. When the connection has been tested successfully, select the Connect button.

  4. You can now choose Site and Document Library.

  5. Select Add File and enter the file name.

  6. Select the Create button.

  7. In the Options tab, you can choose File Format, Max Field Length, Field Delimiter (Comma by default). Also you can Quote Characters (None by default) and check page coding.

  8. Based on the selected file format there is multiple options present in the Options tab.

  9. For the XLSX file format, under the Data tab you can also select the data range:

    • By Sheet Name: Provide the sheet name which will be created in SharePoint.

    • By Field: Create the multiple sheets based on the Field name of the input sheet.

  10. You can select the Existing File Action (Rename, Overwrite, Append and Abort) from the dropdown. By default, the Rename action will be performed.

  11. Select Run to execute the workflow.