Find Nearest Tool
Identify the shortest distance between spatial objects in one file and the objects in a second file.
Applications include finding the closest store locations to consumers in the customer file (both point files); identifying the closest cell towers (point files) to LATAs (polygon files); or selecting congressional districts (polygon files) within 50 miles of a major thoroughfare (line file).
A Universe input connection into this tool is optional, as this file can be specified with an input path.
If using DriveTime, see Guzzler Drivetime Methodology for more information.
Configure the Tool
The Find Nearest Point tool accepts two spatial inputs.
- Select the Spatial Object Field to use for the Targets (T Input). Any object type can be chosen for the Target, but if it is a not a point type object, the centroid is used for analysis.
- Specify the Universe object. There are two choices:
- Use Records from U Input: Select the Spatial Object field from the data going into the tool.
- Use Records from Data Source: When reading in spatial objects from a data source, make sure the data source that is being brought in has already been sorted on the spatial object. Ensure no connection is going into the U input.
- To specify the input data source, either enter the file path location of the input or browse to the data source's location.
- Select the Spatial Object Field from the input data source to calculate the nearest distance to.
- How many nearest points to find?: Specify how many nearest Universe objects to find for each Target. The default is 1.
- Set the Maximum Distance and units of measure these objects can be from the Target.
- Choose whether or not to Ignore 0 Distance Matches. When checked, a point never matches to itself. If you are expecting the same number of input records as output records, ensure you do not have any duplicates in your data stream.
Use the table in the Configuration window to modify the incoming data stream. Each row in the table represents a column in your data. The Field column in the table identifies the name of each column in the data and auto-sizes to fit column (field) names without cutting off any text (up to 40 characters).
- Some actions might apply to only fields shown.
- Some actions might apply to all fields, regardless of which ones are shown.
- Some actions might only apply to the specific fields that are selected (highlighted) in the list of fields.
- Click on the column name to sort in ascending order.
- Click on the column name a second time to sort in descending order.
- Select to highlight a row, or select and drag to highlight multiple rows.
- Use the Move Up or Move Down arrows, or right-click and drag, to move the rows to a new location.
- To change the name of a column, select the Rename field and enter the new name.
- To add a description, select the Description field and enter a description.
- Save/Load: Save Field Configuration as a .yxft file. The Alteryx Field Type File is a text file that can be used in other workflows using the Load Field Names or Load Field Names & Types options.
- Select: Select or deselect all or highlight columns. Options include Select All and Deselect All.
- Change Field Type of Highlighted Fields: Change the data type of all highlighted columns at once.
- Sort: Sort the column order in ascending or descending order. Options include Sort on Original Field Name, Sort on New Field Name, and Sort on Field Type, or Revert to Incoming Field Order. Depending on the language of your Designer instance, a different default sort order might be used. Consult the User Settings to read more about the default Sort Method.
- Move: Move highlighted columns to the top or bottom of the list.
- Add Prefix to Field Names: Add a prefix to the selected or highlighted column name.
- Add Suffix to Field Names: Add a suffix to the selected or highlighted column name.
- Remove Prefix or Suffix: Remove the prefix or suffix from the selected or highlighted column name.
- Clear All Renames: Remove the new name for all columns.
- Clear Highlighted Renames: Remove the new name for all highlighted columns.
- Revert All to Original Type & Size: Undo all changes to type and size in all columns and use the original values.
- Revert Highlighted to Original Type & Size: Undo changes to type and size in the selected or highlighted columns and use the original values.
- Forget All Missing Fields: Remove all columns that are no longer included in the data.
- Forget Highlighted Missing Fields: Remove all highlighted columns that are no longer included in the data.
- Deselect Duplicate Fields: Deselect the second column when duplicate column names exist. This option is only available with multiple inputs.
The Find Nearest tool can return more records than selected in the “How many nearest points to find?” field if there are multiple records in Universe the same distance from the Target object.
If Drive time is to be calculated, the user can specify the dataset they wish to use to calculate this figure. If only one dataset is installed, you will not have the option to select another dataset.
You can specify the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and click the Dataset Defaults tab.
Search Fields
Before you start updating your fields, you might want to limit your list so that you can perform updates on only a subset of the fields. This is also really helpful if your dataset contains many fields (columns).
To do this, use the Search box at the top of the Configuration window. Enter a keyword and the Find Nearest tool searches the Field, Rename, and Description columns to return matches. The search is not case-sensitive.
You can then perform various actions (like select, deselect, rename, etc.) on only the fields that were returned via your search. Think of the Search box as a way to filter your list of fields so that you can update only a subset of your data columns.
To view your entire list of fields again, use the "x" icon to clear out the Search box.
After you perform a search, only a subset of your data fields (columns) display. Please note that depending on what action you chose in the Options menu...
Because of this, please use caution when you perform actions on a subset of fields and double-check the results to make sure they are what you're expecting.
Select, Deselect, Sort, and Reorder Columns
Select and Deselect Fields
To include a column in the dataset, check the check box to the left of the column name. Uncheck the check box to exclude the column. You can also use the select and deselect all check box at the top of the table to quickly select and deselect all visible fields.
Sort Columns
To sort the columns of data based on the column name...
Depending on the language of your Designer instance, a different default sort order might be used. Consult the User Settings to read more about the default Sort Method.
Reorder Columns
To reorder the columns of data...
The Unknown column is selected by default. It allows new columns in the data. Move the column to the location where you want a new column to be.
Modify Data Type and Size
Data Type
Use the Type dropdown to change the data type of a column in your dataset.
Data Size
To change the supported length (characters for string and numeric fixed decimal types) or measurement (bytes for other numeric types) of data in a column, select Size and enter a number. Size varies by Data Types and you can edit it for fixed decimal numeric types and all string types.
Use the [data type]: Forced option to ensure a column always contains the expected data type. This is helpful when creating Macros.
Rename a Column or Add a Description
View More Options
After you select or highlight rows (columns of data) in the table, select the Options dropdown above the table to view more configuration options: