
Search, which is located in the top right corner, searches Designer tools, Connect assets, Help content, and Community posts.

Press Ctrl+Shift+F on your keyboard to move your cursor to Search.

Search results

Search returns the top 5 results from these categories.


  • Drag and drop tools and macros from results onto the canvas.
  • Click Example to open the tool One-Tool Example, if available.
  • Click Show More to display all results in the Tool Palette.
  • Click Go to My Company's Server, if available, to view Server results in a web browser. Results can include tools and workflows for download.


  • Drag and drop Connect assets from results onto the canvas.
  • Click the canvas to open the Data Source Credentials window.
  • Type the User Name and Password and click OK.

If you have not entered your Connect credentials into Designer, results are not available. See Use Connect Assets.


  • Click a result to view the Help page in a web browser.
  • Click View more Help results to open Designer Help in a web browser.


  • Click a result to view the Community post in a web browser.
  • Click View more Community results to open Alteryx Community in a web browser.
  • Click Ask the Community a question to post a message in the Alteryx Community.

If you are not connected to the internet, Gallery and Community results are not available.