Join Tool

The Join tool combines 2 inputs based on a common fields between the 2 tables. You can also Join 2 data streams based on record position.

Configure the Tool

  1. Select how to perform the Join. The 2 options are by record position, or by specific field.
    • Join by Record Position: Select this option when the two tables to be joined have the same field structure, and the data will be joined by its position within the two tables.
    • Join by Specific Field: Select this option when the two tables have one or more fields in common (such as an ID) and the data will be joined together. You can choose to Join on multiple fields. Each Join should be a separate row in the grid.

    Each Input will have a dropdown list of its fields. Select the join field for each input. Alteryx will automatically select a join field from an input if the same field name was already selected from a different input.

    If multiple join fields are desired, an additional row of join fields can be configured. Simply click on the drop-down to choose additional join field per input.

    To delete a join field, click on the number on the left hand side and click the delete button on the right.

  2. Use the table in the Configuration window to modify the incoming data stream. Each row in the table represents a column in your data. The Field column in the table identifies the name of each column in the data and auto-sizes to fit column (field) names without cutting off any text (up to 40 characters).

View the Output

The three outputs resulting from the join are as follows:

L anchor Contains records from the L input that did NOT join to records from the R input.
J anchor Contains records that joined from the L input to those records in the R input.
R anchor Contains records from the R input that did NOT join to records from the L input.