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OAuth 2.0 for LinkedIn Ads

This section describes the steps to configure the Trifacta Application to integrate with your LinkedIn Ads deployment using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate.

Create OAuth 2.0 Client App in LinkedIn Ads


  1. Register with LinkedIn Ads and obtain an account.

  2. Navigate to My Apps > Create app.

  3. In the Create an app field, enter the following details:

    1. App Name: Name of the app you want to create.

    2. LinkedInPage: The LinkedIn company page to be associated with the app.

    3. PrivacypolicyURL: The company privacy policy URL.

    4. AppLogo: The logo to be displayed when users authorize the app.

    5. LegalAgreement: Select the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions.

  4. To create the app, click Create app. The app is created.

  5. Navigate to the Auth tab and set the following:

    1. Set the authorized redirect URIs. For example:

    2. Scopes: Set the following scopes:

  6. Navigate to the Products tab > Advertising API.

  7. Click Request access to fill the required form to access advertising API.

Create OAuth 2.0 Client for LinkedIn Ads

In the Trifacta Application, the OAuth 2.0 client for LinkedIn Ads is created for you.

Create LinkedIn Ads Connection

After you have created the OAuth 2.0 client, you can create a connection to your LinkedIn Ads data.

For more information, see LinkedIn Ads Connections.