This page describes shortcuts in Alteryx Designer, categorized by keyboard, magnification, mouse, and mouse keys.
Go to Keyboard Navigation in Designer for additional information and details about keyboard navigation in Alteryx Designer.
Action | Shortcut |
Select the tool palette.* | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Select the Overview window. | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Select the Results window. | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Select the Configuration window. | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Select the canvas.** | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Select the Interface Designer window. | Ctrl+Shift+D |
Select the Global Search field (place the cursor in the field). You can use the Tab key to navigate the Global Search results and use the Enter key to place a tool from the search results on the canvas. | Ctrl+Shift+F |
*Learn about additional navigation options for the tool palette at Keyboard Navigation in Designer.
**Learn about additional navigation options for the tool canvas at Keyboard Navigation in Designer.
Action | Shortcut |
Select all items. | Ctrl+A |
Deselect all selected items. | Ctrl+D |
Align tools horizontally. | Ctrl+Shift+- |
Align tools vertically. | Ctrl+Shift++ |
Show the system menu. | Alt+Space |
Action | Shortcut |
Move the selected tool. | Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys. |
Delete the selected tool. | Delete |
Action | Shortcut |
Scroll vertically in the canvas. | Scroll Function |
Pan the canvas. | Space Bar+Left Click |
Action | Shortcut |
Show or hide the tool palette. | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Show or hide the Overview window. | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Show or hide the Results window. | Ctrl+Alt+R |
Show or hide the Configuration window. | Ctrl+Alt+C |
Show or hide the Interface Designer. | Ctrl+Alt+D |
Show the Find tab of the Find and Replace window. | Ctrl+F |
Show the Replace tab of the Find and Replace window. | Ctrl+H |
Action | Shortcut |
Run workflow or stop workflow from running. | Ctrl+R |
Open workflow. | Ctrl+O |
Close open workflow. | Ctrl+F4 |
Save workflow. | Ctrl+S |
Save As > Browse | F12 |
Save all open workflows. | Ctrl+Shift+S |
New workflow. | Ctrl+N |
Move between open workflows. | Ctrl+Tab |
Export workflow. | Ctrl+Alt+E |
Action | Shortcut |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Action | Shortcut |
Open the Designer User Settings window. | Ctrl+Alt+U |
Open the Compare Workflows window. | Ctrl+Alt+X |
Open the Templates window. | Ctrl+Shift+N |
Open the Workflow Dependencies window. | Ctrl+Alt+W |
Restore Defaults (Options > User Settings > Restore Defaults) This shortcut launches a confirmation dialog where you can confirm the restore action. | Ctrl+Alt+F |
Open the help page for the selected tool. | F1 |
Open the Annotation window for the selected tool. | F2 |
Close Designer. | Alt+F4 |
Refresh Workflow. Use F5 to refresh tool configurations when the incoming data source has been updated externally and the metadata has changed. If the Disable Auto Configure option is selected in the User Settings, use F5 to manually refresh tool configurations. | F5 |
Add a Browse tool after the selected tools. If the selected tool has multiple outputs, a Browse tool is added for each. | Ctrl+Shift+B |
When on the canvas, open the context menu depending on the selected item (canvas, tool, or connection). | Shift+F10 |
Action | Shortcut |
Zoom in or out. | Ctrl + + or - |
Zoom to or from cursor. | Ctrl + Scroll Function |
Zoom to entire workflow. | Ctrl + 0 |
Zoom to entire workflow. | Double-click the mouse center button. |
Jump to selection. | Ctrl + 0 |
Zoom to expand sizing. | Ctrl + 1 through 5 |
Zoom to area. | Right-click and drag to select with the magnifying glass. |
Action | Shortcut |
Pan the canvas using the mouse. | Hold the mouse center button. |
Reopen the Configuration window after you close it. | Double-click the canvas or any tool. |
Action | Shortcut: Right-Click Context Menu, then... |
Zoom in. | Select Zoom > Select Zoom In |
Zoom to normal. | Select Zoom > Select Zoom Normal |
Zoom out. | Select Zoom > Select Zoom Out |
Zoom to entire workflow. | Select Zoom > Select All |
Zoom to selection. | Select Zoom > Select Selected Tools |
Zoom to container. | Select Zoom > Select Container Name |
Action | Shortcut |
Move selected tool. | Arrow Key |
Move selected tool by one pixel. | Ctrl+Arrow Key |
Action | Shortcut |
Scroll vertically in the canvas. | Scroll Function |
Scroll horizontally in the canvas. | Shift+Scroll Function |
Move up, down, left, or right of the canvas. | Arrow Keys |
Skip up, down, left, or right of the canvas. | Shift+Arrow Keys |
Jump to the top or bottom of the canvas. | Home or End |
Jump to the left or right of the canvas. | Shift+Home or End |
Action | Shortcut |
Example: F1 to go to Help. | Select a specific tool in your workflow and select the F1 key to go to that tool's specific help page. Otherwise, select the area around your workflow, the canvas, and select the F1 key to go to the Designer help page. |
Example: F5 to refresh your workflow. | Use the F5 key to refresh the tool configurations when your incoming data source has been updated externally, and the metadata has changed. If the Disable Auto Configure option is selected in the User Settings, select the F5 key to manually refresh the tool configurations. Close the Finished running window by using the Space bar. |
Example: Activate the menu and select the menu item. | Alt+select underlined menu letter |
Example: Open one or more files. |
Example: Copy and paste a tool's color value to another tool. If you have selected a tool's Background Color (such as R=73, G=248, B=113) and you would like to use this same color for another tool's background color, you can copy and paste this color value. |