Workflow Management
As part of workflow management, you can save the workflows you build in Designer so that you can reuse them or share them with other users in your company's Server.
You can also manage existing workflows in your company's Server by opening them in Designer. From Designer, you can edit, save, and share these workflows back to Server. Server maintains previous versions of a workflow, so when you save the revised workflow to your company's Server, it doesn't replace the previous version.
If you want to save and share a workflow along with its dependencies, like files and connections, you can export them together as a YXZP file. Like single file workflows, you can share exported workflows with others in Server, and open them in Designer.
In addition to saving single workflows, you can save multiple workflows as a workflow group that you can then open as 1 workflow group file (.yxwg). You can only create workflow groups of existing, locally saved workflows.
Cloud Execution for Desktop
If you have access to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud platform (AAC), you can now save your desktop-built workflows to the AAC library. You can then schedule workflow runs in AAC. Go to Cloud Execution for Desktop to learn more.
Save Individual Workflows
With the workflow open, select File > Save As, then select the location where you want to save the workflow.
File Directory (Browse)
Select Browse.
In File Explorer, go to the location where you want to save the workflow.
In File name, enter a name for the workflow.
Select Save.
Alteryx Analytics Cloud
Schedule and run your Designer Desktop-built workflows in the cloud. Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you link your Alteryx Designer Desktop instance to an Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform (AACP) workspace and then save your Desktop-built workflows to the AACP library (which belongs to your AACP workspace). Once saved to the library, you can navigate to AACP and schedule those workflows to run.
To save your Designer Desktop workflows to AACP, follow these steps:
Select File > Save As > Alteryx Analytics Cloud.
Select your workspace connection, identified by the Data Source Name that you provided when you configured the connection. If you haven’t configured the connection yet, select Add New Link and follow the below instructions.
Enter the Workflow Name. If your workflow includes any assets, they display below.
Check the Group assets by tool* check box to display all of the workflow's assets or file dependencies that are grouped together with the tool they are connected to. *This setting organizes assets for each tool so that information is easier to parse—it doesn't change how the YXZP file is created.
Uncheck an asset to omit it from the workflow package.
Select Save*. At this time, Alteryx validates your workflow to confirm that it doesn't use prohibited non-DCM data connections. Review the Tool, Data Connector, and Driver Compatibility notes for details.
*If you're already authenticated to your AACP workspace, you're all set. If you're not authenticated, the save initiates your default browser to open a new window where you can sign in to the AACP workspace that you are saving to.
Cloud Execution for Desktop
Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you create and edit workflows on the Desktop and execute those workflows in the cloud. Workflows that you build in Designer Desktop need to be edited in Designer Desktop. These workflows aren't editable in Designer Cloud at this time.
Alteryx Analytics Cloud: Add New Link
If you're attempting to save your Desktop workflow to AACP and haven't linked Designer Desktop to AACP, you can create the link during the save process. Review requirements and details at Cloud Execution for Desktop, then follow these steps:
In Designer Desktop, select File > Save As > Alteryx Analytics Cloud > Add New Link. This opens Data Connection Manager (DCM).
Analytics Cloud is preselected as the default Technology. Provide the required information:
Data Source Name: This is the display name (label) for this link. The name is displayed in the Save As and Open menus and helps users identify this connection.
Base URL: This is the URL that you use to access Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform (for example, Contact your AACP Admin for this information.
Workspace Name: This is the name of your Analytics Cloud Workspace, as it appears in the URL (after the Base URL). For example, you might access Analytics Cloud via In this case, you would enter my-workspace in the Workspace Name field. Contact your AACP Admin for this information.
Select Save. Next, you need to link credentials.
Select + Connect Credential to get started.
Cloud Execution for Desktop supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication method. This is preselected via the Authentication Method dropdown.
In the OIDC TOKENS section, select Create New Credential from the Credential dropdown.
Enter a Credential Name. This is a label that should help you identify this credential in the future.
The Vault is set to DCM by default.
Optionally select Test Connection or select Create and Link to finish.
If your connection fails, make sure that the Base URL and Workspace Name for your AACP connection are correct.
Once you successfully connect Designer Desktop to Alteryx Analytics Cloud, the connection details are available via File > Manage Connections > Alteryx Links. Select the Data Source Name in the Name column to view the connection details, edit the connection, or delete it.
Alteryx Server
By default, Designer saves the workflows you own to your private workspace. Workflows shared with you in a collection save to the collection.
Select Save As.
Select Alteryx Server > My Company's Server.
Sign in with your username and password. Select Keep me logged in to keep your session active, as desired.
In the Save Workflow window, enter a Workflow Name. By default, Location displays the studio where the workflow will be saved. If the workflow has been shared with you in a collection, Location displays the collection.
In Worker Tag, select an option to assign a specific worker to run the workflow.
(Optional) In Details, enter any helpful comments.
(Optional) Select Workflow Options to select one of these:
Workflow Option
Publish this version of the workflow
Publishes this version of the workflow as the available version in Server.
This option is only available if the workflow has been saved to the Server before. Do not select this option if you do not want other users to use this version of the workflow.
To update the workflow version in the Server...
View app details and select Version # to view available versions.
Select a version and select Make Published Version.
Validate workflow then save
(Default option) This option is selected by default. Validation checks if there are prohibited tools or commands. If validation fails, the workflow requires an exemption to run in your company's Server. Contact your Server admin to request that they change the run mode for your workflow.
These tools require exemptions to be run in the Alteryx public gallery: R tool, Run Command tool, Python tool, Email tool, and Download tool.
Server doesn't allow event or chained app execution. Go to Workflow Configuration and Interface Designer Window.
Go to Save to Server Messages for additional information about applying for an exemption.
AMP Engine
If your workflow is using the AMP engine, but your controller is not, workflow validation is disabled and cannot be enabled. To enable workflow validation, enable the AMP engine on the controller or change your workflow to run on the original Alteryx Engine via Workflow Configuration.
To learn more about the AMP engine, refer to these resources:
Manage workflow assets
View and manage the assets associated with the workflow.
Select Group assets by tool* to display all of the workflow's assets or file dependencies that are grouped together with the tool they are connected to.
Deselect an asset to omit it from the workflow package.
Assets that include a constant in the input path display in the list of assets but are not included in the workflow package.
*This setting organizes the assets for each tool so that information is easier to parse—it does not change how the YXZP file is created.
Enable workflow locking
View locking options for the workflow.
Select Restrict use to specific serial numbers to limit the use of the locked workflow to only the specified serial numbers. When selected, only the serial numbers (email addresses) in the list can use the locked workflow. To enable a workflow to run on the Server, you have to list the serial number for the Server, which is the default Server Administrator. The default Server Administrator is set up when setting up the Server authentication. Go to Configure Server Authentication for more information. Enter each unique serial number (email address) 1 per line.
Select Set expiration for locked workflow to set the locked workflow to expire on the selected date. When the expiration date is reached, the workflow can't be run or used.
Check the box to indicate that you acknowledge the implications of locking your workflow.
Select Done to lock your workflow.
Go to Lock Your Workflow for more information.
Set workflow credentials
In order for this option to be available, a Curator (Server Admin) must select the Allow User to Select setting via Admin > Settings > Configuration > Assets > Workflow Credentials Settings.
Once enabled, users can select the credentials for running the workflow:
User is not required to specify credentials: Run the workflow using the default server or studio credentials.
User must specify their own credentials: Prompt a user to enter their own credentials to run the workflow.
Always run this workflow with these credentials: Enter credentials to always use when the workflow is run.
Select Save. Go to Save to Server Messages for more information about errors and warnings you might receive when you try to save a workflow to a Server.
Alteryx Server: Add New Server
Select Save As > Alteryx Server> Add New Server.
On the Save Workflow - Add a Server screen, use the URL field to enter the URL path to your company's Server.
Select Connect.
Based on the Server configuration, authentication steps vary:
Configuration Type
Authentication Steps
Built-in Authentication
In Email and Password, enter your Server email and password.
Select Keep me logged in, if desired.
Select Connect.
Windows Authentication
A user name displays.
Select Continue to sign in.
Select the Server in the list and follow the steps to save the workflow to your company's Server.
Save your workflow, macro, or analytic app as a template to use as a starting point for future projects. Go to Templates for details.
Save a New Template
You can save an existing workflow, macro, or app as a template. Follow these steps to do so:
With a workflow, macro, or app open in Designer, select File > Save As.
Select Template to open the Save As Template dialog.
Use the Save as Template dialog to provide some template metadata. The metadata becomes part of the template's XML and you can edit it at a later time if you need to.
Owner: Enter the name of the template owner. This can help template users find the right person should they have questions about the template.
Name: Enter a name for your template. Note that Designer uses your project name by default and preconfigures the file type based on the project that you started with (workflow, macro, app). Refer to Template File Types for more information.
Description: Enter a description for the template, for example, its intended use case. This helps template users determine whether this template is appropriate for their project.
Image: Upload an icon or screenshot of the key part of your workflow, macro, or app. Accepts JPEG and PNG file formats.
Select Save to save your template or Close to go back to your project.
Designer saves your template to the Template folder at this location (unless you specify a different location via the Change Workflow Template Directory steps):
You can access, edit, and use your template from Designer's main menu via File > Templates.
Export Workflow
Export a workflow and its dependencies as a YXZP package file. You must save the workflow before you can export it.
Dependency File Packaging
These assets are automatically included with an exported workflow:
Input Files
Output References
Chained Apps
User-added Files
These files are not included with an exported workflow:
Missing Files
Files Identified as Being Part of the Alteryx Installation
Files Referenced by a Network Path
Input Paths that Contain a Constant
When you export a workflow and its dependencies, Designer maintains the original file format of each file. The folder structure of the assets included in the workflow is maintained as long as the files included are children of, or siblings to, the workflow file. All other files are considered external, and, if included with the package, will be placed in an _externals
Use workflow dependencies, to ensure that no paths are broken when referencing missing files.
Export Workflow
Select Options > Export Workflow to display the Export Workflow window. Workflow displays the name of the workflow and its file extension.
Complete any of the available configuration options:
You can't undo locking. Alteryx recommends that you configure this setting last.
Create a copy of the workflow, app, or macro that can be run but not opened and edited in Designer.
Select the Lock button.
Select Enable locking for this workflow.
Configure these options, as appropriate:
Restrict use to specific serial numbers (one per line): Enter the serial numbers of the licenses you want to be able to access the locked workflow. List each serial number on a separate line. A serial number is used for each Alteryx install. To view your serial number...
Go to Options > Manage Licenses and select the gear icon in the upper right.
Next, select View Partner Data License Manager and see your Machine Serial Number in the upper-right portion of the window.
Set expiration for locked workflow: Set the locked workflow to expire on the selected date. When the expiration date is reached, the workflow cannot be run or used.
Check the box to indicate that you acknowledge the implications of locking your workflow.
Select Done to lock your workflow.
Package Location
Change the location where the file is saved.
Group Assets by Tool
Group the assets in the workflow by the tools in which they are used. If this option is not selected, assets are listed individually.
Deselect an asset to exclude it from the workflow package. The asset is referenced, but it is not included in the package.
Assets that include a constant as part of an input path will display in the list of assets, but they are not packaged as part of the workflow.
Select Save. Go to Lock Your Workflow for more information.
Save Workflow Groups
Additional Considerations
You can only create a workflow group of existing, locally saved workflows. If you try to create a workflow group from workflows saved in Alteryx Server, you must first save each workflow individually on your local drive.
If you move or delete a workflow that is part of the workflow group, Designer displays an error when you try to open the workflow group.
Open all locally-saved workflows to include in the group. The Start Here.yxmd is not saved with a workflow group.
Select File > Create Workflow Group.
In File Explorer, go to the location where you want to save the workflow group.
In File name, enter a name for the workflow.
Select Save to save the individual workflows as one workflow group file (YXWG).
Open Saved or Exported Workflow
Open workflows from a file directory or your Server.
Open Single Workflow from File Directory (Browse)
Select File > Open Workflow > Browse.
Go to the location where you've saved the workflow.
Double-click the file name to open it in Designer.
Exported Workflows
If the workflow is in an exported YXZP file, do this:
In the Package Import message, select Yes to import the workflow.
On the Import Workflow Package window, verify this information:
Package File Name: Display the complete path to the file.
Workflow: Display the workflow name. The assets in the package display in the box.
Destination Directory: Display the location where you want to save the package. To change the location, select the floppy-disk icon, then select a new location.
Select Import.
In the Workflow Import Progress window select Yes to load the workflow. If the workflow fails to load properly, try to import it again.
Open Workflow Group from File Directory
Select File > Open Workflow Group.
Go to the location where the workflow group file has been saved.
Double-click the YXWG file to open. Each workflow within the group opens on a separate tab in Designer.
Open Workflow from Alteryx Analytics Cloud
Follow these steps to open a workflow that was created in Designer Desktop and saved to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. The workflow opens in Designer Desktop.
Select File > Open Workflow > Alteryx Analytics Cloud. If you have not linked Designer Desktop to an Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform (AACP) workspace, review the Cloud Execution for Desktop help page and follow these instructions to connect.
From the Open Workflow window, select your workflow and then select the Open button. If you have many workflows, use the search box to search for your workflow by name. You can click the Workflows label to sort the workflows alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
You can also access Desktop workflows saved to AACP via File > Open Recent.
Open Workflow from Server
Select File > Open Workflow > My Company's Server.
Sign in with your username and password. Select Keep me logged in to keep your session active, as desired.
In the My Company's Server window, locate the workflow. You can use Search, use the All Locations dropdown to filter, and select column headers to sort the results.
Select the Versions icon to the right of a workflow to view previous versions, as needed. This option must be enabled in Server to be visible in Designer.
Select the workflow and select Open. Go to Save to Server Messages, for more on errors and warnings you might receive when trying to save a workflow to a Server.
Add New Server
Select File > Open Workflow > Add New Server.
In URL, enter the URL path to your company's Server.
Select Connect.
Based on the Server configuration, authentication steps vary:
Configuration Type
Authentication Steps
Built-in Authentication
In Email and Password, enter your Server email and password.
Select Keep me logged in if desired.
Select Connect.
Windows Authentication
A user name displays.
Select Continue to sign in.
Select the Server in the list and follow the steps to open a workflow saved to your company's Server.