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OAuth 2.0 for OneDrive

Configure Dataprep by Trifacta to integrate with your OneDrive deployment using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate.


  • OAuth 2.0 is supported for OneDrive, which is available on Microsoft Azure.

  • OAuth 2.0 authentication must be enabled in Dataprep by Trifacta. For more information, go to Enable OAuth 2.0 Authentication.

Create OAuth 2.0 Client App in Azure

In the Azure console, you must create the client app.

  1. Log in to Azure:

  2. Select Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > New registration.

  3. Specify the following fields:




    The name of the app.

    Supported Account Types

    Select either:

    • Single tenant

    • Multi tenant

    Redirect URI

    Specify the URL in the following format, depending your project or workspace login:


  4. To create the new registration, click Register.

  5. Overview tab:


    Copy the value for the Application (client) Id. This value must be applied in Dataprep by Trifacta.

  6. Branding tab: (optional) Specify the following fields:




    The name of the app should match the value you specified previously.


    Upload a preferred logo for the app.

    Homepage URL

    Set this value to the following:

    Terms of Service URL

    Set this value to the following:

    Privacy Policy

    Set this value to the following:

    Publisher Domain

    Set this value to the following:

    MPN ID

    If you are a Microsoft Partner, you can specify your MPN ID.

  7. Certificates & Secrets tab: To create a new client secret:

    1. Select New client secret.

    2. Set the Expires option to Never.

    3. Select Add.


      Copy the Value field. This value is the client secret and must be applied in Dataprep by Trifacta.

  8. API Permissions tab:

    1. Select Add a Permission.

    2. Select Microsoft Graph.

    3. Select Delegated Permissions.

    4. Use the search bar to search for Files and then select the appropriate permissions. These are the recommended permissions:

      1. Files.Read.All: Ensures that all users can ingest all the files they have access to.

      2. Files.ReadWrite.All: Allows users to write to folders and files that they have access to. This includes folders they own as well as folders shared with them.


      These recommendations are only to ensure the best user experience for your users on Dataprep by Trifacta. Use your organization’s access policies to guide your permission selection.

      Alternatively, you can create separate OAuth Apps for read-only and read/write access:

      • Read-Only Access (Use Files.Read.All)

      • Read/Write Access (Use Files.ReadWrite.All)

      You can then create two separate connections for OneDirve on Dataprep by Trifacta. Then grant access to the appropriate connections for the respective users.

  9. Save your changes.

Create OAuth 2.0 Client for OneDrive

After the OneDrive client app is created, you must create an OAuth 2.0 client in Dataprep by Trifacta, which is used to integrate with the OAuth 2.0 Client app that you created in Azure.


  1. Login to Dataprep by Trifacta as a workspace administrator.

  2. In the lefthand menu, select User menu > Admin console > OAuth 2.0 Clients.

  3. In the OAuth 2.0 Clients page, click Register OAuth 2.0.0 Client.

  4. Specify the fields for the new client:






    Enter a name for the client.

    Client ID

    Paste the value of the Application (client) Id that was generated when you created the client app in Azure.

    Client Secret

    Paste the value of the client secret that was generated when you created the client app in Azure.

    Authorization URL

    Single tenant:<tenant_identifier>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize


    Token URL

    Single tenant:<tenant_identifier>/oauth2/v2.0/token



    Set the scopes to the following values:


    • offline_access


    Individual scopes must be separated by a space.

    Access Token Expires In

    Set this value to the following: 3599999.

    Refresh Token Expires In

    Set this value to the following: 7775999999.

  5. To save your OAuth 2.0 client, click Save.

For more information, go to Create OAuth2 Client.

Create OneDrive Connection

After you have created the two OAuth 2.0 client references, you can create a connection to your OneDrive data.


You must create a separate connection for each OAuth 2.0 client that is available in Dataprep by Trifacta.

For more information, go to Microsoft OneDrive Connections

Troubleshoot Access Issues

In the above steps, you created an OAuth app in the Azure portal. However, unless individual users or user groups are entitled to access and use this app, they might not be able to use it with connections created in Dataprep by Trifacta. Use these steps to add users to the app:

  1. On the Azure Portal, go to Enterprise Application.

  2. Search for the OAuth application you created.

  3. Under the OAuth application, follow options a OR b:

    1. Select Users and groups from the left navigation panel and then add the appropriate users and user groups.

    2. Select Properties from the left navigation panel and then set Assignment required? to No. This gives access to users without needing explicit assignment to the app.