
Use the Alteryx Engine API methods for interacting with workflows. For example, you can change the configuration of the engine before running a workflow, run a workflow, or query the currently installed version of Alteryx. The collection of Alteryx Engine API methods is shown below:

AlteryxAllowDesktopInteraction is used to tell Alteryx whether or not to display dialog boxes and choices to the user. Default: false. See AlteryxAllowDesktopInteraction.

AlteryxGetUserSettingsPath returns the path of the current user's settings file. See AlteryxGetUserSettingsPath.

AlteryxGetVersion returns the currently installed version of Alteryx as a string. See AlteryxGetVersion.

AlteryxRunModule is used to run a workflow in the same process and memory space as the calling application to increase performance over using AlteryxRunModule_Pipe. See AlteryxRunModule.

AlteryxRunModule_Pipe is used to run a workflow in a separate process and memory space from the calling application. See AlteryxRunModule_Pipe.

AlteryxRunModule2 is used to run a workflow in the same process and memory space as the calling application to increase performance over AlteryxRunModule_Pipe2. See AlteryxRunModule2.

AlteryxRunModule_Pipe2 is used to run a workflow in a separate process and memory space from the calling application. See AlteryxRunModule_Pipe2.

AlteryxRunWizard is used to run a wizard in the same process and memory space as the calling application to increase performance over using AlteryxRunWizard_Pipe. See AlteryxRunWizard.

AlteryxRunWizard_Pipe is used to run a wizard in a separate process and memory space from the calling application. See AlteryxRunWizard_Pipe.