R Client
For an R model to be deployed to Promote, the model will need to include information from the Promote library. The library includes a number of methods used in the various stages of deployment.
Please visit our Github repository for more information on how to deploy models using the R client.
promote.library: List the libraries that are required for model deployment.
Package installation
Packages can be installed from CRAN or from Github using devtools.
promote.library <- function(name, src="CRAN", version=NULL, user=NULL, install=TRUE)
name: The name of the package to be added.
src: Optionally indicate the source from which the package will be installed on Promote, such as github or CRAN.
version: Optionally indicate the version of the package to be added.
user: Optionally indicate the Github username associated with the package
install: Optionally indicate if the package should be installed on the Promote server. Set this to False if the package is already part of the base image.
promote.library(c("rjson", "stringr"))
promote.library("cats", src="github", user="hilaryparker")
promote.library("my_proprietary_package", install=FALSE)
promote.metadata: A method that assigns related metadata to the model so the metadata is visible from within the Promote platform. Metadata is assigned individually, with a maximum of six metadata values per model.
name: The name of the metadata.
value: A string or object that displays in Promote. Must be 50 characters or less.
promote.unload: Remove the libraries that are not required for deployment from the model's dependency list.
name: The name of the package to be excluded during deployment.
model.predict: Process received prediction requests. The API endpoint receives an API request, executes the prediction code, and formats the response.
input: The API reads in a data frame input.
output: The API returns a data frame output.
model.predict <- function(data) {
#LMModel, a linear regression model trained previously, is executed
pred <- predict(LMModel, newdata=data.frame(data))
result <- data.frame(pred)
promote.config: Configure the user authentication and URL to deploy the model to Promote.
promote.config <- c(
promote.deploy: Deploy the model and related R Dependencies to the specified Promote URL. The deployed model can be called from any programming language via a REST API.
model_name: The name of the model.
promote.config <- c(
username = "your username",
apikey = "your apikey",
env = "https://promote.yourcompany.com"
#simple example model
iris$Sepal.Width_sq <- iris$Sepal.Width^2
fit <- glm(I(Species)=="virginica" ~ ., data=iris)
model.require <- function() {
model.predict <- function(df) {
data.frame("prediction"=predict(fit, df, type="response"))
promote.predict: Send a request to the model for a prediction.
promote.predict(model_name = , data = , model_owner = , raw_input = , silent = )
model_name: The name of the prediction model.
data: The JSON data to be sent to the model.
model_owner: Optionally indicate the name of the model owner.
raw_input: Optionally indicate if data returned by the model is coerced into a data.frame. Be default, the data is returned as a data.frame.
silent: Optionally indicate if the request url is printed to the console. By default, the url is returned.
data <- rjson::fromJSON('{"name":"Sam"}')
# greeting
#1 Hello Sam!
#################### model_owner and silent example #############################
# send request to another users model, with silent = FALSE
promote.predict("HelloWorld",data, 'brandon',silent = FALSE)
# Output:
# https://promote.yourcompany.com/brandon/models/HelloWorld/?username=colin&apikey=123455667781238912389
#1 Bye Sam!
############################## raw_input example ################################
jsonTest <- '{
"name": "colin",
"favorite_nums": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"favorite_words": ["cat", "dog", "mouse",null]
model.require <- function(){
# If we want to manually preprocess the JSON data
model.predict <- function(data){
data <- list(json=data)
# Below, parsing our JSON object manually with RJSONIO
d <-RJSONIO::fromJSON(data$json,nullValue = 'my_na_value')
# this will fail:
# this will succeed because we are sending non-tabular data:
promote.predict('non_tabular_JSON',jsonTest,raw_input = TRUE)
Use RPostgreSQL for R to connect to an external database.
For R models, data parsing is done with the package rjson. Prior to model.predict being called, the data is parsed and transformed into an R object.
This means that an R object is actually being passed to model.predict.
Generally, data is processed in the following sequence:
- API request
- data.frame(jsonlite::fromJSON(data),stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
- model.predict(data)
- rjson::toJSON()
- response
In Step 2, jsonlite can be changed to use rjson by changing the JSONLITE environment variable to equal FALSE in the model's Advanced tab within the Promote web application.
# below (for examples sake) is incoming JSON parsed BEFORE it gets sent to model.predict()
#API Requests --> model.predict(rjson::fromJSON(df))
model.predict <- function(df) {
lg <- df
m <- lapply(lg[[1]]$users, function(x) c(paste(x$user['name'],sample(1:2,1)), x$user['user_id'], x['ts']))
m <- do.call(rbind, m)
# below, we split the dataframe so it is returned as JSON arrays
m <- unname(split(m, 1:nrow(m)))
# rjson::toJSON() --> API Response
Local test
To locally test JSON data, parsing must be done in the Promote model.