Join In-DB Tool

The Join In-DB tool combines two In-DB data streams based on common fields by performing an outer or inner join.

Why you would use this tool

You may want to use a Join In-DB tool to blend two database tables.

How to use this tool

  1. Drag a Join In-DB tool from the Tool Palette onto the workflow canvas.

  2. Connect the 2 inputs to blend into the Join In-DB tool.

  3. With the Join In-DB tool selected, configure the tool.

    1. Each Input will have a drop down list of its fields. Select the join field for each input. Alteryx will automatically select a join field from an input if the same field name was already selected from a different input.

    2. If multiple join fields are desired, an additional row of join fields can be configured. Simply click on the drop down to choose additional join field per input.

    3. To delete a join field, click on the number on the left hand side and click the delete button on the right.

    The Join tool restricts what field types can be joined together. See below for a list of possible error messages or warnings resulting from joining mismatched data types.

  4. Select the Join type. The 4 types of joins are:

  5. Inner Join: Contains only the records from the Left input that joined to records in the Right input.

    Left Outer Join: Contains all records from the Left input including the records that joined with the Right input.

    Right Outer Join: Contains all records from the Right input including the records that joined with the Left input.

    Full Outer Join: Contains all records from both the Left and Right inputs.

Data Joins and Data Types

The Join tool restricts what field types can be joined together. The following error messages may result: