Allocate Metainfo Tool

The Allocate MetaInfo tool returns pertinent information about installed Allocate Datasets.

Configure the tool

  1. From the Configuration Properties, choose an allocate dataset from the drop down menu.

    You can specify the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and click the Dataset Defaults tab.

  2. Select the MetaInfo to return. Choices include:
    • Datasets: Returns all of the installed Allocate datasets and the following information on those datasets:
      • Short Name: Internal name of the dataset references the registry key of the installed dataset.
      • Long Name: Verbose dataset name visible in the Alteryx GUI from Choose Dataset.
    • Geography Levels: Returns all of the installed Geography Levels for the selected dataset. VGFs are also visible here. The following information is returned:
      • Short Name: Short name of the installed geography.
      • Long Name: Verbose descriptive name of the installed geography.
      • Alias Short Name: Alias short name used internally by Alteryx.
      • Is Intermediate: True or False indicates if this geography level
    • Index Base Files: >Returns a list of the Index Base Files a user has created with the specified dataset.
      • Name: will include any and all *.ibs file created by the user and saved to the install directory of the specified dataset, Program files\Alteryx\Portfolioxx\Data\DataSetNameVintage\IndexBases
    • Reports: Returns a list of all the installed *.rptx files saved to the report directory of the specified dataset., Program files\Alteryx\Portfolioxx\Data\DataSetNameVintage\Reports. The following information is returned:
      • Name: Name of the report
      • Type: Type of the report - Summary, Comparison or Rank
    • Variables: Returns information on every variable included in the specified dataset. The following information is returned:
      • Name: The field name that is returned from all Allocate tools.
      • Name_Long: The verbose field name; field is blank.
      • Description: Field description from the Allocate variable tree. This is the most descriptive level of the field categorizations; "Age 25 to 34"
      • Category: Top level categorization of the Allocate variable tree; "Population"
      • SubCategory: Further categorization appearing in the Allocate variable tree; "Male by Age"
      • Units: The units of the returned values; Population, households, dollars, percent, etc.
      • Vintage: The specific source or style of the data, i.e. Current Year Estimates, Five Year Projections, US Census 2000, etc.
      • Year: The data vintage of the returned variable.
      • Action: The mathematical method the value was derived from; Sum, Average, etc.
      • Weight: Returns how values were weighted that have been summarized, i.e. “Population”, “Households.
      • Is Licensed: Boolean value indicating whether or not the variable is licensed; True if licensed, False if not licensed.
      • Data Table: Returns the internal name of the file (Demo File, VVF, etc) that the variable resides in.
    • Version: Returns the Allocate engine version number for the selected dataset.