Results Window
The Results window is located below the canvas in Alteryx. Before you run a workflow, the window displays the characteristics of the data that will go in to the selected tool. After you run the workflow, it displays the data from the selected tool, a data quality indicator, and messages, errors, and links to output files created from running the workflow.
View metadata
Before you run a workflow, the Results window displays metadata which contains the characteristics of data that will go in and out of a selected tool. Metadata includes: Record #, Name, Type, Size, Source, and Description. The Source column contains the tool or file the data came from and may also contain additional information about installed data.
After you run a workflow, the metadata that passed through a selected tool or tool anchor displays in the Results window.
To view metadata:
- Click a tool, or click any anchor on a tool, in the workflow.
- In Results, click Metadata.
- Click an input anchor
or an output anchor
to compare input and output results.
View data
After you run a workflow, you can view tool input and output data.
To view data:
- Click a tool, or click any anchor (
) on a tool, in the workflow.
- In Results, click Data.
To compare input and output results:
- Click an input anchor
or an output anchor
to compare input and output results.
By default, the Results window displays the number of records shown in the window out of the total number of records in the data. For most tools, the Results window displays up to 1 MB of data, or up to 1,000 bytes of string data, for each tool anchor. If data exceeds 1 MB, the Results window displays a message stating that partial results are displayed.
To view all data from a tool in the Results window, add a Browse tool and run the workflow. See Browse Tool.
To view more than 1 MB of data in the Result window without adding a Browse tool, adjust Memory Limit per Anchor in User Settings. See User Settings.
Interact with results
After you run a workflow, you can interact with the results. Interactions include search, sort, and filter. This changes the displayed results.
Search results
To search results:
- Click a tool, or click any anchor (
) on a tool, in the workflow.
- In Results, click Data.
- In Search, enter a character, number, word or phrase to find all results.
Alteryx searches each value in every row and displays all rows where the search you entered is found. For example, if you searched for the number "1", Alteryx displays all rows where the number "1" is found in any value.
Sort results
To sort results:
- Click a tool, or click any anchor (
) on a tool, in the workflow.
- In Results, click Data.
- Hover over the column you want to sort. This will display the menu icon.
- Click the menu icon to view the interaction menu.
- Click the up icon to sort in ascending order. Click the down icon to sort in descending order.
Alteryx sorts the column and redisplays results. To cancel while the sort is running, click the cancel icon (X). To remove the sort, click the minus icon.
Filter results
To filter results:
- Click a tool, or click any anchor (
) on a tool, in the workflow.
- In Results, click Data.
- Hover over the column you want to filter. This will display the menu icon.
- Click the menu icon to view the interaction menu.
- Click the Filter option.
- Select a filter action such as equals, contains, <=, or Is Null.
- If applicable, enter filter criteria.
- Click Apply or press Enter.
Alteryx filters the column and redisplays results. To cancel while the filter is running, click the cancel icon (X). To remove the filter, click Remove filter.
Revert to original dataset
To reset and revert to your original dataset:
- Perform a search, sort, or filter in the results grid.
- Click the three-line menu icon at the top right of the results grid. You will find this icon next to Open results in new window.
- Click Revert to original.
Alternatively, you can select a different tool or anchor, or select the canvas to undo and remove any search, sort or filter action.
The results table includes:
- Data quality bar: A colored bar displays at the top of each column indicating the quality of data.
- Red (Not OK): The column contains values with leading or trailing white space.
- Yellow (Null): The column contains no values.
- Gray (Empty): The column contains strings with no values.
- Green (OK): The column contains values without leading or trailing white spaces.
- Diagonal lines (Partial results): The column contains more than 1 MB of data. The quality bar only reports the quality of the data currently displayed in the Results window.
In columns containing spatial objects, the data quality bar reports the presence or absence values. The data quality bar does not display in columns containing report snippets. Use a Browse tool to view spatial objects and report snippets. See Browse Tool.
- Fields: Click the drop-down arrow and select fields (columns) to display in the window.
- Cell Viewer: Click the drop-down arrow to view metadata for each data field (column), or the content of a selected cell.
to show white space or hidden characters in the cell.
: With a field selected, navigate up and down fields.
- Number of results: Displays the number of records displayed in Results out of the total number of records.
- Data and Metadata: Click to view data in Results.
Copy: Click and select the data you want to copy.
Save: (Not available for partial results) Click and select an export format.
- Open in a new window: (Only available for Browse tool) See Browse Tool.
Input anchor: Click to view incoming data.
Output anchor: Click to view outgoing data.
Workflow and tool messages
After you run a workflow, Results displays information about what happened during and after the workflow was run.
There are two message views:
- Last Run: (Default) View messages from the last time you ran the workflow.
- Configuration: View messages about changes to a tool's configuration.
To view messages after running a workflow:
- Click a tool in the workflow (to view tool messages), or click the canvas (to view workflow messages).
- Click Last Run or Configuration.
- Click a message type.
To view messages after viewing data, click .
Performance profiling
If you select Enable Performance Profiling (Workflow Configuration > Runtime) and you run a workflow, messages in the Results window display the percentage of time spent processing each tool. Using this feature may decrease workflow performance; only use it for debugging. See Workflow Configuration.
Before you run the workflow, Performance Profiling shows the amount of time required to retrieve metadata from data sources and pass the metadata to other tools in the workflow.