Workflow creators can follow these steps to save Designer workflows to Server to share with other users.
To enable the workflow to be run by specific users or groups, you need to contact a Curator (Server admin) to ensure the needed data connections are shared with them.
Select File > Save As > Alteryx Server to save a workflow to Server for the first time. Select File > Save As > My Company's Server or select File > Save to save edits to a workflow on a Server.
Select the Server you want to save to.
If you are not signed in to the Server UI, you are prompted to do so. Based on the Server configuration, authentication steps vary:
Built-in authentication: Enter your Server Email and Password. Select Connect.
Windows authentication: A user name displays. Select Continue to sign in.
In the Save Workflow window, customize the Workflow Name as you want to save it in Server.
Location displays the Server studio where you are saving the workflow.
(Optional) Select a Worker Tag to determine which worker runs the workflow.
(Optional) In Details, enter comments. Other users can see these comments in the version history.
(Optional) Select your Workflow Options.
Publish this version of the workflow: This option is only available if you have previously saved the workflow to Server. It is checked by default. This publishes the new version of the workflow so it is available to other users in Server. Uncheck this option if you don't want other users to use this version of the workflow. Go to Publish a Workflow Version to learn how to publish a workflow version in the Server UI.
Validate workflow then save: This option is selected by default. Validation checks if there are prohibited tools or commands. If validation fails, the workflow requires an exemption to run in your company's Server. Contact your Server admin to request that they change the run mode for your workflow.
Manage workflow assets: Select to manage the assets associated with the workflow. Uncheck an asset to omit it from the workflow package.
Group assets by tool: Select Group assets by tool to display all the assets grouped with the tool they are connected to.
Enable workflow locking: Select to view locking options for the workflow.
Restrict use to specific serial numbers: When selected, only the serial numbers (email addresses) in the list can use the locked workflow. To enable a workflow to run on Server, you have to list the serial number for Server, which is the default Server administrator. The default Server Administrator is set up when configuring the Server authentication. Go to the Configure Alteryx Server Authentication help page for more info. Enter each unique serial number (email address) one per line.
Set expiration for locked workflow: When selected, users can no longer run or access the workflow on the selected date.
Check the box to acknowledge the implications of locking your workflow.
Select Done to lock your workflow.
Set workflow credentials: Select the credentials for running the workflow. Note, a Curator (Server admin) has to enable this option. Go to Credentials.
User is not required to specify credentials: Run the workflow using the default Server or studio credentials.
User must specify their own credentials: Prompt a user to enter their credentials to run the workflow.
Always run this workflow with these credentials: Enter the credentials to use each time a Server user runs the workflow.
Select Save.
Macros in Server UI
You can save macros to Server but you can't run them on their own. To run a macro in Server, you have to save it as a part of a workflow and add it to a workflow package. You can select this option when you save a workflow from Designer to Server.
You can download macros from Server and use them in your workflows in Designer.