Version: 2022.2.1.39654
Release Date: August 24, 2022
Go to the complete Server-FIPS 2022.2 Release Notes.
The 2022.2 release is an Alteryx Server-FIPS release only. Please note that there is not a 2022.2 release for the non-FIPS version of Alteryx Server.
MongoDB Community is not FIPS compliant, therefore it is not embedded in Server-FIPS. You need the user-managed Mongo DB Atlas or MongoDB Enterprise Advanced. Accordingly, we removed the Community Mongo from the System Settings. For more information see the Alteryx Server and Server-FIPS Feature Differences help page. For more information about MongoDB, go to the MongoDB Management help page.
TLS enabled for all services: AlteryxService now supports TLS for internal and direct service layer communication. For the Server-FIPS, TLS is enabled for all services and cannot be disabled. Because of this change, you must install an X.509 (TLS) certificate on the Controller and Server UI nodes. This allows communication between nodes to work with TLS. We recommend installing certificates on all of the machines hosting Server, regardless of their configuration. For more information about the TLS Settings, go to the System Settings help page.
DCM settings: DCM is enabled and cannot be disabled in Server-FIPS. Also, the DCM Enforced mode is enabled and cannot be changed in the FIPS capable version of Server. The DCM benefits include: Securely storing user credentials for data connections outside the workflow, increasing security, improving password credential manageability, and enabling synchronization of credentials between Server and Designer. For more information about DCM, visit the DCM - Server help page.
Enable Scheduler Auto-Connect: This setting is disabled and cannot be enabled for Server-FIPS. Go to the Controller help page for more information.
Analytic app fields are not encrypted in this release. If you put PII (Personal Identifying Information) in the analytic app fields, these fields will not be encrypted. Therefore we recommend you do not put PII (Personal Identifying Information) or other secure information in the analytic app fields.
Alteryx Server-FIPS uses these FIPS 140-2 certified cryptographic modules:
We updated the EULA information to FIPS specific EULA. You can find this info under the global menu (the question mark next to the user name in the Server UI). In the dropdown, select the option ‘End User License Agreement’ for more information.
We’ve redesigned the Notifications, Settings (previously Configuration and Theme), Jobs, Schedules, Media, Workflows, Subscriptions, and Diagnostics admin pages. The functionality of these pages remains the same.
With the release of Alteryx Server-FIPS 2022.2, you now have access to these options via Designer-FIPS 2022.2:
Open a workflow from Server-FIPS.
Save a workflow to Server FIPS. Note that the Lock Workflow feature is not available in Designer FIPS and thus is not an option via the Save Workflow modal.
Add a new Server-FIPS connection via Designer-FIPS.
Access to System Settings via Designer-FIPS. Go to Options > Advanced Options > System Settings.
Schedule workflows. Go to Options > Schedule Workflow.
Synchronize DCM between Server-FIPS and Designer-FIPS in the Connection Manager. Go to Designer > File > Manage Connections to open Connection Manager and select Synchronize in the menu.