- 2022.2-FIPS
- Server
- Use Alteryx Server UI
- Collections: Server User Interface
- Share Schedules and Results to Collections
Collections members with necessary permissions can share their schedules and job results with a collection and all its users to ensure visibility when they are unavailable.
For each collection you are a member of, you have to have the Add Assets permission to add schedules. If you don't see the Add Schedules button in the collection, review your collection permissions on the Users tab of the collection. If you don't have the Add Assets permission, contact your Server administrator or a Collections user that has admin permissions.

Note: Curators (Server admins) who have been added to the collection always have access to add assets to collections.
To share a schedule follow these steps.
Select a collection.
Go to the Schedules tab.
Select Add.
In the Schedules search bar, enter the schedule name and select the schedule when it appears in the list.
Select Add.
The schedule displays in the schedule list.
如果用户手动运行工作流 ,则他们是唯一可以在所有情况下查看工作流结果的用户,无论是否具有工作流所有权。这些结果将显示在工作流结果页面。
如果用户在集合中共享工作流及该工作流的计划 ,则该集合的所有成员都可以查看按计划运行的工作流结果。
如果用户为工作流创建了计划,并且没有将该计划添加到集合 ,则计划创建者是唯一可以查看按计划运行的工作流结果的用户。
如果为用户所在的工作室启用了工作室计划共享 ,则工作室中的所有其他用户将能够查看计划和按计划运行的工作流结果。