App Builder is a new and evolving product available with the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. Functionality is subject to change without notice as we continue to refine and enhance your experience. We appreciate your understanding and welcome your feedback on Alteryx Community as we continue to improve App Builder!
App Builder enables anyone to build interactive web apps powered by Alteryx Analytics Cloud, all without writing a single line of code.
To create a new app, select + New App.
Example applications open a fully orchestrated and designed app for a particular use case to help new App Builder users understand how to build their own app. Go to Access Example Applications for more information on example applications.
The My Applications section of the homepage shows all of the apps that you've created or interacted with recently. Each app in the list contains details about it, such as when it was created, when it was last updated, and if and when it was published. Select the 3-dot menu to rename or delete your app. You can also preview your app by selecting the eye icon, which opens a preview of your app in a new window.
To open an app, select it from the list.
Because App Builder is part of Alteryx Analytics Cloud, you can always access all your cloud apps and quick links from the global header.