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Product Limitations

This section covers key known limitations of products within Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC).


This list of limitations should not be considered complete.

General Limitations

Data Volume

AAC applies no fixed limits to the number of columns or rows that can be handled during transformation.


During transformation, AAC is designed to process data volumes of any size.

However, there are some important considerations:

Soft Row Limits

  • The number of rows that you see within the AAC application in the currently selected sample is determined by:

    • The maximum permitted sample size stored on the base storage layer.

    • Currently configured sample size for the current recipe.

See Sampling below.

Soft Column Limits

  • Soft row limits do not affect the number of columns that are displayed. All available and visible columns are displayed. The number of rows may be affected by the number of columns.


Avoid creating and working with datasets that are wider than 1000 columns. Datasets that are wider than this recommendation may result in performance impacts in the AAC application.

  • The number of columns may be limited by:

    • Number of columns permitted in the source datastore.

    • For SQL-based datastores, limits may be placed on the length of individual queries.


  • All values displayed or generated in the application are based on the currently displayed sample.

    • Transforms that generate new data may not factor values that are not present in the current sample.

    • When the job is executed, transforms are applied across all rows and values in the source data.

    • Transforms that make changes based on data values, such as header and valuestocols, will still be configured according to sample data at the time of that the step was added, instead at execution time. For example, all of the values detected in the sample are used to determine the columns of a valuestocols transform step based on the selected sample when the step was added.

  • Random samples are derived from up to the first 1 GB of the source file.

    • Data from later parts of a multi-part file may not be included in the sample.


  • The product supports a variety of global file encoding types for import.

  • Within the application, UTF-8 encodings are displayed.

    • Limited set of characters allowed in column names.

    • Header does not support all UTF-8 characters.

    • Emoji are not supported in data wrangling operations.

    • Umlauts and other international characters are not supported when filtering datasets in browsers of external datastores.

  • States and Zip Code Column Types and the corresponding maps in visual profiling apply only to the United States.

  • UTF-8 is generated in output.

  • UTF-32 encoding is not supported.


Some functions do not correctly account for multi-byte characters. Multi-byte metadata values may not be consistently managed.

Size Limits

  • Maximum upload size for a file is 1 GB.

Limitation by Product Edition

Limitations for Subscription Editions

For more specific limitations on each product edition, go to Pricing and Editions.

Limitations for Trial Editions

30-day trials use Designer Cloud Enterprise Edition.

If you are using a 30-day trial edition of the product, you must upgrade to a licensed edition after the trial expires.

After your trial expires:

  • All jobs and scheduled jobs are canceled.

  • You can log in to the AAC, but you can't access your flows, recipes, datasets, and other objects that you have created within the product.

  • You can't access any APIs.