Alteryx supports the ability to manage user access through groups. Consider creating one or more user groups if you have sets of users who have similar access needs, like teams.
You have direct access to your Analytics Cloud workspace and have been assigned the Workspace Admin role.
A user group is an Analytics Cloud object used to represent a group of users that have similar access needs.
Zero or more users can be assigned to a user group. If a user is assigned to a user group, that user will inherit any roles assigned to that user group and any assets shared with that user group. If a user is removed from a user group, that user will lose any roles assigned exclusively through that user group, and lose access to any assets shared exclusively through that user group.
Zero or more roles can be assigned to a user group. If a role is assigned to a user group, that role will be inherited by any users assigned to that user group. If a role is removed from a user group, that role will be removed from any roles assigned that role exclusively through that user group.
Zero or more assets can be shared with a user group. If an asset is shared with a user group, each existing and future group member will inherit access to that asset. To learn more about sharing, see Overview of Sharing.
Within Analytics Cloud, navigate to your workspace’s Admin Console.
Select User Groups in the left navigation menu.
Select Create Group.
In the Group Name field, enter a name for your user group. This value must be unique to the workspace.
In the Assign Users to Group dropdown, select one or more existing users.
In the Assign Roles to Group dropdown, select one or more existing roles.
Select Save.
Consider using human-friendly identifiers when assigning a name to a user group. Users will see this name when sharing assets with other users.
To update the name of the user group, hover over a user group and select the 3-dot menu.
Select Edit Group.
In the Group Name field, enter a new name for your user group. This value must be unique to the workspace.
Select Save.
To update group membership, hover over a user group and select the 3-dot menu.
Select Assign Users.
In the Assign Users to Group dropdown, select or deselect one or more existing users.
Select Save.
To update permissions assigned through a group, hover over a user group and select the 3-dot menu.
Select Assign Roles.
In the Assign Roles to Group dropdown, select or deselect one or more existing roles.
Select Save.
To delete the user group, hover over a group and select the 3-dot menu.
Select Delete Group.
Select Delete.