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Locale Settings

The Alteryx Analytics Cloud supports a tier-based scheme for applying locale settings.


Locale settings apply only to the inference and validation of data in the Trifacta Application. Underlying data is not affected by changing locale.


After saving changes to your locale, refresh your page. Subsequent executions of the data inference service use the new locale settings.


When locale is changed, data type validation is affected only on subsequent executions of the data type inference service.If you are using structured datasets, such as schematized JDBC sources, data types may be attached to the datasets that you have already imported. These data types are not affected.

Locale settings can be configured for:

  • Project or workspace level: global local for all users in the environment

  • User level: In User Preferences, individual users can set their personal locale.

Supported Locales

The following locales are available:

  • United States

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Bulgaria

  • Canada

  • Croatia

  • Cyprus

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Hungary

  • Greece

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Latvia

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Malta

  • New Zealand

  • Netherlands

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Romania

  • Singapore

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • United Kingdom

Product Areas Affected by Locale


  • Data type inference more accurately recognizes Datetime values based on locale settings.

  • Suggestion cards containing Datetime transformations and example previews utilize locale settings.

  • Number of weeks in the year may vary.

  • For example, the WEEKNUM function calculated on the last few dates of the calendar year may return different values depending on the locale where the calculation is performed:


    The output calculations for number of weeks may vary between browser, Trifacta Photon, and the running environment where the job may be executed, based upon locale.

    • EN-US: Maximum of 52 weeks

    • ISO 8601: Maximum of 53 weeks

    • You can add steps similar to the following, which adds a 53rd week as a possible output for WEEKNUM:

      derive type: single value: dateformat(date(year(myDate), 1, 1), 'yyyy\/MM\/dd') as: 'NewYearsDayforMyYear'

      derive type: single value: if(datedif(NewYearsDayforMyYear, myDate, day) > (52 * 7), 53, weeknum(myDate)) as: 'weekNumforMyDate'