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Load Metadata

Compatibility Setting Update with Connect Loaders

The Designer 2024.1 DCM default setting, "DCM Only," prevents Connect Loaders from working as it doesn't allow password entry. This is essential for the Connect loader operation.

Workaround: To ensure uninterrupted service and proper functionality of Connect Loaders, please switch the DCM setting in Designer from "DCM Only" to "DCM as Default." To do so, go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings. Then change the DCM Mode to DCM as Default.

Note: Failure to update this setting will result in errors when using Connect Loaders 2024.1 with Designer 2024.1. We urge you to make this adjustment promptly to avoid any disruption.

While the "DCM as Default" setting is currently required in Designer 2024.1, we acknowledge its limitations in security. We are committed to enhancing security and will introduce support for the "DCM Only" setting in future updates of Connect Loaders.

Overview of Metadata Sources

Administrators can load metadata into Alteryx Connect from various sources - see the list below.