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Account Settings Page

In your Account Settings page, you can change your locale and modify other settings related to your account.


After saving changes to your account settings and exiting, please refresh the page.


Select the locale to use when validating data types in the application.


After saving changes to your locale, refresh your page. Subsequent executions of the data inference service use the new locale settings.


When locale is changed, data type validation is affected only on subsequent executions of data type inference. If you are using structured datasets, such as schematized files, data types may be attached to the datasets that you have already imported. These data types are not affected.

For more information, see Locale Settings.

Other Settings

Enable keyboard shortcuts:When enabled, you can use keyboard shortcuts in the workspace.


When keyboard shortcuts are enabled, press ? in the application to see the available shortcuts.

Share usage data to improve product intelligence:When collaborative suggestions are enabled, anonymized data on how you use the product is aggregated with other workspace users' data to improve the suggestions provided by the product to all workspace users. You can use this setting to opt-out of sharing your data.


This data is not shared with Alteryx or other users.