Release Note Product Versions | ||||
Version | Release Date | Release | End of Support | |
2020.4.5.12471 | November 18, 2020 | Major | May 18, 2022 | |
2020.4.6.36807 | May 26, 2021 | Minor | May 18, 2022 | |
2020.4.7.07392 | February 15, 2022 | Minor | May 18, 2022 | |
2020.4.8.06491 | June 23, 2022 | Minor | May 18, 2022 |
To address security vulnerabilities in Python version 3.6, embedded Python has been upgraded from 3.6.8 in the 20.3 release to 3.8.5 in the 20.4 release. Custom tools and connectors (YXI files) developed by Alteryx, partners, or any 3rd party that don't ship with the Alteryx installer might need to be reinstalled. This impacts custom tools installed on Designer, Server, and Alteryx Analytics Hub.
The current installation experience is now quicker due to the use of a new methodology. If you install this version and then decide to go back to a prior version (for example, you install version 2020.4 and then decide to go back to version 2020.3), you must uninstall this version through your operating system (OS) and then install the older version.
When you upload to AAH from Designer, you can now save to a location other than your personal folder. To do so from Alteryx Designer, select Save As > Analytics Hub and choose your AAH instance. Use the Select button next to the Location field and choose where you want to save your workflow. Note that only folders that you have permission to write to are available to select.
We made several updates to Alteryx Designer to improve performance and usability:
You can now select and copy the Alteryx Designer version text (first 3 lines) from the version pop-up window accessed via Help > About.
The Select tool now auto-sizes the Field column to fit field names without cutting off any text (up to 40 characters).
We made a performance improvement to the Data Cleansing tool. We now allow quotes in the field name.
We no longer store the tool, container, and comment position and width/height as floating-point values, but rather as integers.
The toolbar in the Designer Results window was updated.
The Apply and Cancel Data Manipulations icons were moved to the middle of the toolbar.
The export, copy, and new window options were consolidated under a single Actions menu item.
Sample Datasets are now accessible directly via the Designer Help menu. Go to Help > Sample Datasets.
When the workflow type is Macro, the Runtime tab is now available via the Workflow Configuration window. The Runtime tab gives you access to the Use AMP Engine setting so you can build macros with AMP. Additionally, we added inline links to AMP help content in the Runtime tab as well as the Workflow Complete dialog.
When you use the Adobe Analytics tool, you can now authenticate with credentials for user authentication and JWT for service account authentication.
To efficiently utilize the maximum amount of memory when you run your workflows, you can set the Memory Limit and Default Number of Processing Threads. Navigate to the Engine - General tab in System Settings, the Defaults tab in User Settings, or the Runtime tab in Workflow Configuration.
All built-in Formula functions available in the Formula, MultiRowFormula, and MultiFieldFormula tools in Designer are now supported with AMP.
With AMP, you can now run the Summarize and Download tools with full functionality.
The Download tool now supports all code pages listed in Designer GUI.
The Summarize tool supports these additional actions: Spatial Combine, Spatial Create Intersection.
When you use CSV file types in the Input and Output Data tools with AMP, you can now rely on additional code page support without fallback to the Original Engine.
You are now able to transcode strings from different code pages. Visit Code Pages for a list of supported encodings/code pages.
There are 2 new settings that you can customize to change how numbers display in Designer: Thousand Separator and Decimal Symbol. These settings affect how numbers display on the Designer canvas, the Results window, and the Browse tool Data Profiling. The default settings depend on the language that you select for the Designer interface, but you can always update the defaults.
Visit Localization User Settings for details.
The ToNumber and ToString Conversion functions were updated to support conversion to and from a wide range of numeric formats (including international formats). Visit Conversion functions for details.
Fixed Major Release Version | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE21686 | Interface list selections don't show on encrypted macro. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE22361 | Internal Error in Memory Allocator: "Tool ID #4 did not call FreeMemory in Join Multiple tool with the original engine. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE22862 | Jupyter tool: 404 error when loading workflow from a location with Japanese characters in the path. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE24311 | Guzzler error in GuzzlerBuildPolygons: "You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon." | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE24530 | Memory Allocator error when running from the command line with the original engine. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE24553 | Publish to Tableau TDSX not created with Hyper Output. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE24666 | Memory: Consumption only ~80% of allocated Sort/Join with AMP. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE25820 | Incorrect temporary path utilized for .Hyper file creation causes issues in certain environments. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE25877 | YXDB with Spatial data does not render output in Gallery with AMP. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26129 | Using AMP, error reading files using wildcard (*) when the file path contains special characters. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26161 | Double Byte space in formula errors out with the AMP engine. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26223 | Workflow returns "Invalid XPath" error on Action tool in 2020.2 but it works in 2020.1. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26311 | Alteryx error with nested Tool Containers. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26423 | Over translation issue on Radio Button (others too) Interface tool in Japanese UI. The name "First N% of Records" translated to a Japanese word. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26449 | Japanese UI: In Contingency table macro, an error is thrown from R tools when field names have Japanese characters. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26482 | Find and Replace accessibility updates. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26722 | Macro with optional inputs doesn't work using AMP engine. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26775 | Error: "Unable to translate alias" when saving to the Gallery with the AMP engine enabled. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26857 | When a data field contains Japanese characters, the Decision Tree tool returns "Decision Tree: Error: mixing Unicode and octal/hex escapes in a string is not allowed." | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26868 | Unhandled Exception occurs when you copy and paste a workflow to a new canvas. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26871 | User is unable to open workflows using macros from newer versions of Alteryx. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26902 | XLSX overwrite fails when multibyte characters exist in the file name or file path. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE26967 | XML Parse changed output. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE27007 | RegEx tool: Help links in the Configuration panel are broken. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE27019 | Update Alteryx.OpenSSL.1.0.2-q.2.3.fips.nupkg hangs in Windows 7. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE27067 | Translation issue in Japanese version of Designer: "Cut and Connect Around." | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE27085 | Translation change request in Japanese version of Designer for Text to Columns tool. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
DE27638 | AMP missing output with cluster R tools. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
* | An error can occur for Alteryx Intelligence Suite tools due to length limits for file paths in Windows. That error might result from your file path being too long. If you encounter that error, contact Support. We have a fix. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2020.4.6.36807 | |||
DE28819 | Workflows with Download tool fail with 500 error in version 2020.3. | 2020.4.6.36807 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2020.4.7.07392 | |||
TELC-2658 DE34056 | Unable to write to HDFS with Kerberos when Tokens are larger than a certain size. | 2020.4.7.07392 | Fixed |
Known | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE26424 | Results Grid: Error displays when you attempt to sort on In-DB Browse tool. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26484 | Find/Replace only refreshes when you switch tabs with Disable Auto Configure checked. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26519 | Browse tool lands off-screen, with no ability to scroll to it. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26564 | Exporting from the Results grid with a previously used file name does not save. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26683 | DateTime Month Parse: First 3 letters of words can be mistaken for Months. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26724 | The left column of the Results grid doesn't resize correctly when you move from a tab with no results to a tab with results. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26779 | Problem saving a workflow to Server reading the same Excel file multiple times. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26780 | A macro's name is translated when the name is a month's name in English. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26851 | Render tool output from the R anchor of the Forest Model tool is garbled. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26874 | Saving to a shared folder with 2 users can cause the workflow name to appear in the path. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26905 | Workflow never finishes running with Skip Field Names checked for XLSX output. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26907 | Dynamic Input errors for Excel sheets with spaces in sheet names. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26915 | Workflow execution message in Japanese UI is garbled in 2020.3. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE26961 | Updating values using workflow constants intermittently fails with AMP. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27050 | Using fields with multibyte characters as target variables in Forest Model and Score tools generates an error. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27095 | Workflow name with single quotes hangs when saving. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27143 | Arrange tool over translation issue. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27146 | New Workflow tabs scroll to hide the closing "X" icon. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27167 | The field names in the Arrange tool are automatically translated into Japanese from English. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27172 | S3 staging append options error when using fully qualified table name. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27278 | PDF output by the Render tool gets slower on large records. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27302 | Entering an Analytics Hub site connection with HTTP in the URL causes Designer to become unresponsive. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27303 | Analytics Hub/Designer: View Log in Browser option navigates to broken URL in Alteryx Analytics Hub. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27339 | AMP Engine: OleDB connection error with SQL Server. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27342 | Alteryx Analytics Hub: Special characters in Description field cause workflow upload to hang. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27350 | Writing to .Hyper file using Create New Extract File overwrites the file if it already exists. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27370 | Alteryx Analytics Hub: Connecting to Hub site with expired cert and expired session token opens an empty modal. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27396 | .yxzp named differently than the .yxmd file saved in Alteryx Analytics Hub causes an error when saved. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27554 | OCI - CLOB error with special and multibyte characters. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27657 | Questions constants don't work in YXMC on AMP. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
DE27816 | The metadata in the IRG does not populate correctly prior to a workflow run (you might see an error or a red "x"). To prevent this issue, run your workflow. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
TCPE-104 | Report and interactive outputs cause intermittent Designer crash. | 2020.4.5.12471 | Known |
*This defect does not have an associated defect number.
Fixed Patch/Minor Release Version 2020.4.8.06491 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
TELC-2814 GCSE-422 | AMP Engine may log sensitive information when processing workflows that contain Gallery Connections. | 2020.4.8.06491 | Fixed |