
The Spatial category includes tools that offer spatial data manipulation, processing, and object editing.

Buffer Tool: The Buffer tool takes any polygon or polyline spatial object and expands or contracts its extents by the user specified value.

Create Points Tool: The Create Points tool creates a point-type spatial object by specifying input fields containing the X coordinate (Longitude ) and the Y coordinate (Latitude ).

Distance Tool: The Distance tool calculates the ellipsoidal direct point-to-point, point-to-edge, or the drive distance between two sets of spatial objects.

Find Nearest Tool: The Find Nearest Points tool identifies the shortest distance between points or polygons in one file and the points, polygons, or lines in a second file.

Generalize Tool: The Generalize tool decreases the number of nodes that make up a polygon or polyline, making a simpler rendition of the original spatial object.

Heat Map Tool: The Heat Map tool generates polygons representing different levels of "heat" (e.g. demand) in a given area, based on individual records (e.g. customers).

Make Grid Tool: The Make Grid tool takes a spatial object and creates a grid. The resulting grid is either a single grid, bound to the extent of the input spatial objects, or individual grids that dissect each input polygon.

Non Overlapping Drivetime Tool: The Non Overlapping Drivetime tool creates drivetime trade areas, that do not overlap, for a point file.

Poly-Build Tool: The PolyBuild tool takes a group of spatial point objects and draws a polygon or polyline in a specific order to represent that group of points.

Poly-Split Tool: The PolySplit tool takes polygon or polyline objects and splits them into their component point, line, or region objects.

Smooth Tool: The Smooth tool takes a polygon or polyline object and adds nodes to smooth sharp angles into curves along the lines that make up the object.

Spatial Info Tool: The Spatial Info tool extracts tabular information about the spatial object. Attributes such as: area, spatial object, number of parts, number of points, and centroid Latitude/Longitude coordinates can be appended.

Spatial Match Tool: The Spatial Match tool establishes the spatial relationship (contains, intersects, touches, etc) between two sets of spatial objects. The tool accepts a set of spatial objects from the Left Input (Targets) and a set of spatial objects from the Right Input (Universe ).

Spatial Process Tool: The Spatial Process tool performs high-level spatial object editing from a simple, single tool. You can combine multiple objects or cut the spatial objects of the input table.

Trade Area Tool: The Trade Area tool creates regions around specified point objects in the input file. Trade Areas are created one of two ways: either by defining a radius around a point, or by a drivetime.