The worker handles the execution of analytic workflows. There has to be at least 1 machine enabled as a worker to execute workflows. You can configure the same machine to be both the controller and a worker. The number of workers needed depends on the desired system performance.
Configure the worker on the Worker screens in System Settings. The worker screens are available for configuration if you've selected 1 of these options on the Environment > Setup Type screen:
Designer and Scheduler Only
Complete Alteryx Server
Custom > Enable Worker
The Worker Configuration screen includes configuration options, such as, where you want to store temporary files and whether you want the machine to run scheduled workflows.
The Workspace is where the worker stores temporary or cache files, and unpackaged workflows for use when executing workflows. By default, it is the same as the controller folder. This path should point to a location that is safe to store large amounts of files.
Check the Allow Server to manage workflows running simultaneously box if you want Server to manage the number of workflows allowed to run simultaneously for the user. The number will be automatically calculated at service start-up based on the available CPU and memory in the Server environment. If the box is not checked, you can set the number of workflows to run in Workflows allowed to run simultaneously. This is the maximum number of jobs that you want to allow to run simultaneously on this machine. You might want to adjust this to improve the responsiveness of scheduled jobs.
Depending on the available resources and other configuration parameters, if set too high, this might cause poor job throughput, stability issues, or general performance issues. For help with this setting, reach out to your Sales or Support representative or enable the Allow Server to Manage Workflows Running Simultaneously option to have Server manage this setting for you.
Use this setting to force cancel jobs after a certain amount of time. This frees up system resources from being taken up by long-running jobs. This setting only applies to scheduled jobs and doesn't affect manual runs from the Server.
In an environment where you have deployed multiple workers, Quality of Service determines which jobs each worker runs. When a worker handles a job request, it compares the priority level of the job to its Quality of Service value. Jobs that have a value greater than or equal to the worker's Quality of Service value are handled by that worker.
For example, if an available worker has a Quality of Service of 0, the worker handles any request. But, a worker with a Quality of Service of 3 only handles jobs that have a priority of 3 or higher. This allows you to reserve resources for higher-priority requests. For normal operation with 1 machine configured as a worker, set quality of service to 0.
0: Low (normal workflow execution)
1: Medium
2: High
3: Critical
4: Chained application execution (all apps in the chain aside from the last)
6: Workflow validation requests
You can assign a specific worker to run a job. To do so, first add a job tag for the worker, then select that job tag when creating a schedule or running a workflow.
Run unassigned jobs: Select this option to use the worker to run untagged jobs.
Job tags: To assign the worker to run specific tagged jobs, add job tags. Comma separate multiple job tags. You can add the same job tag to multiple workers.
By default, the worker runs using the Local System Account. You can configure the machine to run the workflows as a specified user or account. This allows the worker to use specific credentials to access files or data locations. To set the machine to run as a different user, enter the Domain, Username, and Password.
We recommend engaging your IT team to create a service account that has access to the necessary databases, shared network drives, and files.
For information on Run As User permissions, go to Configure Required Run As User Permissions.
To enable the worker to act as a map worker, check the Allow machine to render tiles for mapping box. Map workers render map tiles for map questions and the Map Input tool. You can specify the number of processes to use for tile rendering. The more processes allowed, the more simultaneous rendered tiles. Increasing this setting increases the system resources used.
You can configure the worker to act as an insight worker. Insights are interactive dashboards created in Designer and published in a Server. When enabled, the worker renders insights.
The maximum number of insights to run simultaneously on the machine. Increasing this setting increases the system resources used.
The maximum number of insights cached on a worker machine. Each insight consists of a description and data file, so each insight cache is a directory that contains those files.
The range of port numbers designated for use when rendering insights.
Configure Server UI.